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It was hard to see my brother so broken up but I couldn’t deny the relief I felt when she didn’t say yes. And the guilt I felt was just as strong.

I slammed down my coffee mug, trying to wake up Todd. He stirred with a groan.

"Morning asshole," I said sarcastically as Todd slowly sat up, cradling his head in his hands. "Have a good night?"

"Ughh, too loud," Todd moaned. "What time is it?"

"It's almost 10 am," I said. "Here.”

I pressed a glass of water into Todd's trembling hands. He downed half the glass and sighed.

"Thanks," he mumbled, not meeting my eyes.

I sat down in the armchair across from the couch, facing him directly. "So, want to tell me where you were last night?" I asked.

Todd squinted at me over his glass. "What are you, my dad? Lay off, man."

I sighed, trying to keep my cool. "I'm just worried about you.”

"I’m fine," Todd grumbled.

"Todd, you’re out of control,” I replied.

Todd shrugged, his bloodshot eyes focused on the floor.

I tried a different approach.

“Get your shit together, or you’ll lose Lana,” I warned.

At the mention of Lana's name, Todd's head jerked up.

Todd jumped to his feet, wobbling a bit. "Like you know anything about our relationship," he spat.

I stood up too, anger building inside me now. “You don’t know what you have, Todd. You don’t treat her the way she deserves. She’s going to realize that one day and leave your ass.”

Todd laughed bitterly. "Take relationship advice from you?”

I gritted my teeth at his implication about my failed marriage.

"Don't turn this around on me," I growled. "I'm trying to help because I care about you.”

Todd let out a harsh laugh. "Sure, big bro swooping in to save the day. Did you kiss Lana to make her feel better about me too?"

I flinched at his accusation. If he only knew how much I’d held back.

"Don't think I haven't noticed the way you look at her," Todd spat, his eyes narrowing.

"Are you fucking kidding me?” Todd knew it. He knew I was into Lana, but I’d never do anything to jeopardize his relationship with her. “But you keep this shit up, and I sure as hell won’t hold back the next time I see Lana.”

Todd slammed his cup down on the table, spilling water all over.

"Don't say her fucking name!" he burst out.

For a second I thought he might actually take a swing at me. But then his face crumpled.

"Lana deserves so much better than me," he said quietly, sinking back down on the couch. "I tried, Dylan. I really wanted to be the guy she needed."

Seeing Todd look so broken made my chest constrict. I sat down next to him with a heavy sigh.

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