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That’s it.

Before I could push him back to release his grip on her, Lana wrenched her arm away.

I finally broke my stare down with Austin and looked at Lana. She was fuming like she was going to start shooting steam out of her ears.

"Get your hands off of me." Lana hissed in a low tone, but the fire in her eyes would have melted steel. “Austin,youget in the damn car. And the next time you speak to me like that, it’ll be the last words you ever say to me.”

My eyebrows shot up in surprise.

That’s my girl.

I smirked in satisfaction, but then Lana leveled her hard gaze at me, quickly wiping away my smug expression.

“Andyou,” she huffed, her lip pressing together. She paused, seemingly remembering I was still the client. “You go back to Deft Rock and prepare for the presentation.”

“Yes Ma’am,” I said quietly, then pressed my lips together to suppress another smile threatening to break through.

She narrowed her eyes and I looked at my shoes to hide my smile.

She looked so damn hot when she was fired up. Even if that anger was directly partly toward me.

“Both of you need to leave. Now!” With that, Lana spun on her heels.

Austin tried to stop her with a quick apology and pleading, but she snatched her arm out of his grip again and stormed back toward the building.

I hadn’t started this, but I was damn sure going to finish it.

I turned to Austin after she went inside the building, “You didn’t seem to hear me clearly before. So let me repeat it for you. I said she was mine first. Save yourself the embarrassment and give up now. Because you don’t have a chance in hell with her. Have a nice day.”

I got into my car and texted Lana an apology before driving off.



I had just gottenhome from work and slipped off my heels when there was a knock at my door. Austin stood on my front porch, a bouquet of flowers in his hand. “These are a little wilted since I meant to give them to you at lunch to apologize for earlier” he said, his eyebrows raised. “But I managed to screw that up. And have even more to apologize for now.”

I was still pissed about the way he’d acted, like he had some kind of ownership of me in front of Dylan. Going to lunch was supposed to be a sort of an apology for him telling me to get reassigned. He hadn’t helped his case by acting like a damn fool.

“Come on in,” I said, trying to smile as I took the flowers.

He followed me inside while I put them in a vase of water. Then we sat at the kitchen table.

“So I guess you didn’t find the “my girl” thing romantic, huh?” he said sheepishly.

“I didn’t.” And the thing that bothered me the most about it was that if they’d been reversed, if Dylan had told Austin to stay away from his girl . . . I might have liked it. At least a little.

I felt like that said things about our relationship.

“That thing he said to me, about how you were his first? What did he mean by that, Lana?”

Austin’s entire presence changed. He’d been contrite, sad looking, apologetic at my door. With that question, his face went a little hard, and he sat a little straighter.

I didn’t like the change. And just like that, I decided to tell him the whole truth.

“We slept together the night before I moved to New York. We didn’t have any contact after that, not until he showed up at my workplace and I got assigned to his account.”

Austin's face turned red with anger. For a moment he just sat there with his jaw clenched.
