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“Can’t say I do.” She laughed as I grunted and hoisted us both off the couch to carry her to the bedroom.



With everyonefrom Berman at the brewery, I knew I couldn’t put off talking to Lana about Todd any longer. If he showed up before I said anything, the whole thing would be so much worse.

“Hey,” I said to her and instantly got the sweetest smile.

“Hey yourself,” she said.

The last couple of weeks had been amazing with Lana staying with me or vice versa most nights. The only part that wasn’t amazing was the worry about Todd finding out, which I knew was coming.

I was going to have to tell him. But I hadn’t been able to bring myself to do it yet.

And I wasn’t ready to do it on this day either. I needed a little more time, that was all.

“Can we talk?” I asked Lana, gesturing for us to move away from the group for a second.

She followed me with a little smile still on her face. I hated to make it disappear, but I didn’t have a choice.

“Todd called a little while ago,” I started.

“Yeah? How is he?” Lana glanced back at the group who were preparing for the tasting, hoping we’d knock Emberox Spirits’ metaphorical socks off.

“He’s . . . on his way here.” I watched Lana’s smile disappear. “He wants to help, Lana. To be a part of this. I couldn’t say no. But I didn’t want him showing up and surprising you.”

Lana inhaled sharply and nodded.

“Okay. Yeah. I think it’ll be fine.” She managed to smile, but I knew she was conflicted about seeing him again. “If he wants to help, that’s a good thing.”

“It is,” I agreed. “Maybe we can get to know Lisa better.”

“She does seem nice,” Lana said, smiling tightly. I’d have kissed her then and there if we’d been alone or at least better hidden. She touched my arm and headed back to the group.

I tried not to let Todd coming dampen my enthusiasm for making this tasting a success.

Everyone was sure we had the deal in the bag. But I’d been sure about my marriage and my relationship with my brother once upon a time too. I tried to think positively, though.

Within minutes, Todd appeared.


“Where’s Lisa?” I asked as I greeted him and motioned for him to come over and join the group.

Todd grimaced and glanced down at the floor. “We broke up. But it’s okay. These things happen, right?”

He’d been head over heels the last time I’d talked to him. But he was acting like it wasn’t a big deal. Either he’d never been in love with Lisa, or he was covering up some serious pain.


“I’ve rented a room for the week,” Todd said, interrupting me. “Figured I’d stay close, see if you needed my help. Nice to change up the routine after the breakup too.”

While Todd spoke to me, his gaze leveled on Lana across the room. Something in his expression went soft. And my hackles went up instantly.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I asked. “Too much change at once . . .”

“I’m sure,” he said, staring at the womanIloved. “I think it’ll all work out for the best.”
