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Faustus offered his nephew a hand. "You can trust me, kid."

Andreus had grown up in poverty, and it was only when his mother OD'd that Sabbas had been forced to acknowledge his existence. That was just three fucking months ago, and theo...all he had wanted after his mother's death was to work and fucking graduate, but instead Sabbas had decided to turn his own son into his personal sleeping pill.

It couldn't get any worse than that, could it?

Andreus took his uncle's hand, and the tightness in his chest gradually eased as he watched his father's mansion shrinking in view as they drove away.

I'm free.

It was alright to think that. Wasn't it?

FAUSTUS' HOME WAS SMALLER than his father's but no less luxurious, and after dinner, his uncle invited him to join him for a drink by the pool.

"Want one?"

Andreus took the can of beer from his uncle's hand. He had been drinking since he was eleven, but he had done so only to show the other kids in school that he wasn't someone to be bullied. Even his own mother hadn't allowed him to drink, but maybe...these rich folks were different?

It was while Andreus was nursing his fourth can of beer that Faustus offered him a pill, and even though his instincts were clamoring and telling him that something was seriously fucking wrong about all of this—-

You can trust me, kid.

Andreus popped the pill into his mouth, and the weeks that followed were the best fucking time of his life. Not because of the alcohol or the drugs but because this time, life was exactly what he had wished for.

A family.

That was what he had now in his uncle, and it was this Andreus told himself again and again when something about his new life started nagging at him.

Faustus was there to protect him from Sabbas. Faustus was always there for him, treating Andreus like his own son, and so...even though it didn't feel quite right, every time he noticed the way his uncle would stroke his own dick when talking to Andreus—-

No one's perfect, Andreus determinedly reasoned to himself. And maybe rich folks were just different, and since Faustus had never said or done anything to him that wasn't right—-

It's all good, Andreus told himself.

He was no narrow-minded piece of shit to judge others, and it was easier to believe this as time wore on, and he went from popping a few pills a week to several pills a day.

It's all good.

This was what Andreus kept telling himself until he woke up one day, and he realized he was an addict.

"W-What do you mean there's nothing?" Andreus hated hearing himself whine, and he hated himself even more for whining for something he knew was destroying him.

But he couldn't help it.

"Get on your knees."

The hoarseness of his uncle's voice made his skin crawl, and yet Andreus found himself dropping to his knees.

Faustus started unzipping his pants, and Andreus started to cry.

No. Fuck. No.

The pills were not worth this.

It just fucking wasn't.

"You probably don't know this," Faustus whispered as he started stroking his nephew's beautifully high-boned cheek, "but the drugs you've been taking lately are, shall we say...experimental?"

Andreus tried pulling away, but his uncle was already gripping his hair to keep him still, and he suddenly realized that his mind wasn't working the way it should be. The world was turning into a blur, and it just wasn't because of the tears that were once again shamefully running down his cheeks.

His uncle slowly guided Andreus' head towards his wet, wrinkly cock, and even though he felt like throwing up—-

It's all good.

This was all good as long as Faustus gave him just one more pill.

It's all good.

And so Andreus allowed it to happen again and again.

It's all good.

Lied to himself again and again.

It's all good.

Because he deserved this.

He had asked for this.

And it was this lie that sixteen-year-old repeated to himself, when his mouth proved no longer enough for Faustus, and he woke up one night to his uncle's cock ramming into his ass.

Ten Weeks Ago


The words used to mean something to Monique, every time she thought of Andreus, and how she seemed to be the only girl in his life that he had never slept with.

I'm special.

The words used to be the truth, but Andreus' callous manners over the phone last night had been a terribly painful eye-opener, and tonight's dinner was the final nail to her coffin. She had thought he was having dinner with her to apologize for his curtness over the phone, and she had been ready to forgive him. But instead he had barely paid attention to her, and it was so, so fucking obvious that Andreus was distracted with thoughts of another woman.

Monique trembled with rage as she struggled to contain her emotions, but as soon as memories of her disastrous dinner date with Andreus replayed in her mind, and the taunting image of Hallie Athanas started poisoning her thoughts, it was just too fucking much, and she could no longer hold herself back.

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