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The old Andreus would never have exposed his pain like this, and it fucking killed Yuri, now that he knew that pain had always been there—-and none of them had ever noticed it.

"Do you know..." Yuri had to clear his fucking throat since it kept tightening to the point that he was unable to speak. "I've always thought you'd end up married to my sister—-"

"Then you're fucking insane—-"

"And I still think that."

All the other things Andreus had to say were forgotten.

No. Fuck. No.

Andreus could feel Yuri's words doing its best to fucking sneak into his system like a thief. But instead of having something to steal, what all those words he didn't deserve—-it had far something worse in mind.

No. Goddammit. No.

All those words wanted was to tear down the walls he had built around his heart, and he just couldn't let it happen.


For her sake.

"I'll pretend you didn't say that—-"

"Then I'll just have to say it again. I want you to be my brother-in-law—-"

"Goddammit, Yuri!"

"So stop wasting time—-"

"Why the fuck—-"

Hearing the way Andreus' voice cracked nearly destroyed Yuri.

"Why the fuck can't you see I don't deserve her?"

"Because you do—-"

"Do I have to fucking spell it out for you?" Just thinking of what he had to say was already killing him, but Andreus knew he had to say them, had to fucking make Hallie's brother realize that the truth about him. "I know what almost happened to Hallie, Yuri. I fucking know, so how the hell can someone like me—-"

"Someone like exactly the kind of man I'd want my sister to marry. Someone who'd destroy his entire world just to protect her."

"Shut the fuck up—-"

"Someone who'd love her for all fucking eternity, even if she had left him—-"

"Damn you."

A hoarse chuckle escaped Yuri even as he tried his best to ignore how his eyes were starting to itch. Fucking bromance moment. Not once had he ever imagined he would be forced to bare his feelings like this. But because this was Andreus, and this was for Hallie—-

"Love you, too, brother. We always have, always will."

"Fuck you."

Yuri only laughed as he ended the call, and Andreus wasn't all too surprised when the scratchy sound of the other man's laughter had his eyes starting to itch.

Fucking bromance moment.

But his eyes just kept itching and itching until he realized that his cheeks had become wet.

Could he allow himself to hope, like Yuri was telling him to?

Was there still a chance for Hallie to love him again?

Please, God.

A part of him couldn't see himself deserving someone like Hallie, but another part of him couldn't help hoping either.

Please, God.

But when Andreus woke up the next day, he realized soon after that last night had been another stolen taste of heaven.

He could feel his world crumbling anew as he stared at the text message he had just read.

It's me. Can we talk?

How the fuck could he allow himself to live...when another woman had her life destroyed because of him?

Chapter Eleven

He found her working behind the counter of a quaint-looking tea shop, a linen apron with leather straps tied around her waist, and her clothes hideously shapeless once again. She glanced up when she heard the door open as he entered. Her smile faltered, and his own fucking heart faltered as well.

He waited for her to speak.

If she told him to leave and get the fuck out of her life, he would do it in a snap, and even if staying away would kill him—-

She would never see him again.

But because his baby doll hadn't a single mean bone in her body—-

His chest clenched as he watched her draw a shaky breath before leaving the counter.

"Could you give me a moment?"

She didn't give him a chance to answer, with Hallie already walking past him to flip the door sign to Closed.

That almost gave him hope—-until she turned to face him again, asking, "How did you know I close early on Tuesdays?"


He should've known better than to hope she was closing early so they could spend more time together.

She went back to the counter, her movements noticeably jerky.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"Do you want something to drink?"

They had spoken at the same time, and both of them stared at each other.

Another moment passed, and a faint, shaken laugh slipped past her lips. "This is so awkward, isn't it?" Her voice sounded like it was about to break at any moment, just like how Hallie looked she herself was about to break down.

"I'm sorry."

He had thought the words could help her heal, but all it did was make tears slowly fall down her cheeks, and his eyes started itching as he saw her struggle to speak. All he wanted was to do was love her. But everything he did always seemed to end up hurting her.

"I'm so fucking sorry."

She looked at him, and it was only then...only fucking then did he notice what he should've seen from the start.

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