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My apartment had a similar floor plan as Tage and Andy’s; the difference was in the decor. While Tage’s place had pops of pink to appease his boy, mine was full of more muted choices of taupe and navy.

“Thank you.” Little did Dalton know that it was his place too. But before we could get to that discussion, I needed to get to the bottom of his strife.

I took Dalton to the sofa and settled in close to him. I draped my arm over his shoulders and looked into his eyes, letting him know that I was there to support him. I gave him a gentle push of, “Please tell me what’s on your mind.”

Dalton nodded with a sigh. He looked down at the floor for a moment to gather his thoughts before he turned his eyes to me again. “I’m really happy for Andy. He’s got a nice home and a man who loves him. I don’t fully understand their relationship, but it works for them, and I’m so thankful for that.” He took a deep breath and added, “But I’m scared.”

I rubbed my hand over his back, thanking him for his honesty and supporting him through it. “About what?”

“Well…I had never heard of age play before, so I’m assuming it isn’t a very common thing. It’s a very special and unique relationship. What if Andy and Tage break up? Andy may never be able to find what he’s looking for again. He’d be crushed.”

I was so proud of him for considering his brother’s needs, and caring about his future. It was sweet, but unnecessary. “You don’t need to worry about that,” I assured him. At his look of confusion, I explained, “There’s something very important you need to understand about vampires. Each one of us is granted a beloved; a mate who is perfectly matched to us, who is hand-picked for us by Fate herself.

“When we meet this person who is fated to us, we dedicate our lives to loving and providing for them. When we seal our bond, our lifelines intertwine, meaning that the human becomes immortal, because we cannot survive without our mate. They are the other half of our soul. We are not complete until we have bonded, and we would do anything to make our mates happy. Andy is Tage’s mate. They are destined to spend an eternity together, loving one another for all time. Tage will never desire another, and will spend every moment looking after your brother. I promise you he is well taken care of.”

Dalton was quiet as he leaned forward and rubbed his hand across his bristled chin. “My brother is immortal,” he recited, as if trying to convince himself. “I’m glad that he’s got someone to take care of him. He deserves all the happiness in the world.” He looked back at me, sadness dancing in his eyes. “So you’ve got a mate out there too.”

“I do,” I answered, unable to keep my smile at bay.

“So this thing between us…?”

I slid my hand from his shoulder onto his cheek. “Will last forever,” I whispered, and Dalton’s eyes widened. “You are my fated mate. We are destined to be together. I knew from the moment you walked into my office.”

My heart dropped when, instead of excitement, his expression showed even more despair. “Why didn’t you say anything? Were you disappointed? I understand; I’m sure you didn’t envision your future would be with some asshole ex-con.”

I stopped his words with a finger to his lips. “First of all, that is not what you are. You are a kind, beautiful, incredible man who makes me proud every single moment. I didn’t mention our bond at first because I wanted to help you with your brother and your confidence before I piled more on you. I didn’t want you to feel obligated or frightened. We have an eternity together; there was no need to rush until you were ready.”

Dalton swallowed hard. “So you aren’t disappointed?”

“I’m honored,” I countered, and Dalton’s face lit up with the most breathtaking smile he’d ever given me. I could actually see his soul shining through his eyes. I couldn’t help myself, and leaned in to give him a firm kiss until he pulled away.

“How does this work? How do we bond?”

I smiled at his questions and explained, “You know the blood substitute that vampires drink?” He nodded. “We cannot use it once we have met our mate. We must only feed from them. Their blood becomes our fuel and lifesource; we can’t survive without it.”

“You have to drink my blood?” I nodded slowly, hoping he wasn’t offended. But Dalton surprised me with the grin that curled his lips. “That’s kinda sexy.”


His smile widened. “Definitely. And sweet; I get to give you what you need.” My heart warmed; he was proud to provide for me as well. “Wait a minute. If you can’t drink the substitute, does that mean you haven’t…eaten since we met?”
