Page 28 of The Ash Bride

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Persephone would enjoy today, because tomorrow…she didn’t want to think about tomorrow.

She received many beautiful gifts, as well as anolisbosthat she was quite sure she would never use. It was as thick as her forearm and just as long, ending abruptly with a flat, flared bottom rather than the spheres she knew to be the base of many.

The lack of anatomical correctness was probably because an older matron had gifted it to her, and unfortunately for Persephone, the norm traditionally went against anatomy so as not to discourage time with your husband. The worst part was, because it was a traditionalolisbos, it had probably been used before.

Persephone shuddered at the thought and reminded herself to dispose of it immediately in a flaming depth of the Underworld.

Thepyxisher mother gave her was somehow worse than that.

At first, she was disappointed and confused because it was blank. She had never seen a blank one, the ones she owned already were etched with beautifully with mirrors anderotes, pomegranates and other symbols of desire and fertility. Demeter must have read her expression because she quickly explained that it was blank because it was to be engraved with visuals of her own wedding.

A weddingpyxis, her mother called it. She would only fill it with her wedding jewels, the makeup she wore on her special day or the perfume she had chosen to wear so it can remind her of the happiest day of her life.

It was to be her most prized possession.

She feigned a smile and thanked her mother repeatedly, convincing herself more than the women filling the room of her gratitude. While she knew it was going to be a beautiful piece and something she would openly cherish for the rest of her immortal days, she couldn’t honestly say that she loved it. Or that it was her favorite gift of the day.

Not when Melia and Elektra had given her another one that showed their untouched pool in the forest, smaller versions of themselves splashing in the water and sunning on the rock, a fire burning in the background. Melia claimed it was empty, and meant to carry her jewelry from her current home to her new home, but Persephone could feel the weight of something inside. She raised an eyebrow at Melia, who placed a finger to her lips and mouthed later.

She waited to open it until only Melia and Elektra remained, the pungent smell of the plant hitting their nose was so strong that her mother had to excuse herself from the house altogether. Sending them a dirty look over her shoulder that made them giggle like children.

“Is this your whole supply?” She asked Melia, shutting the lid tightly again. It was quite a largepyxis, Persephone had never seen so much.

“Oh no.” Melia waved her off. “That’s just what I gathered this year. I have double that at home.” She added, “Unless Inakhos got into it, in which case, yes.”

That’s when Persephone started crying. She tried to blame the wine, even claiming that Elektra had forgotten to mix it again, but they all knew Elektra hadn’t been the one mixing any of the jugs that night. Demeter would never allow that.

She grabbed her friends in tight embrace, smacking their shoulders into each other hard as she sobbed into them. Blubbering about how much she was going to miss them, and all the fears she held in her heart about marrying the King of the Underworld; including the fact she would have to live in such a dark place for the rest of her life.

“Aw, honey,” Elektra said, resting her cheek on Persephone’s head while Melia rubbed her back. “Only half your life.”

Persephone choked out a laugh between sobs, spit flying from her mouth onto their bare shoulders, snot running into her mouth. She rubbed at and blew her nose with a small square of red cloth that Melia handed her.

It looked old, but new at the same time, the weaving pattern reminiscent of another time. It was almost too beautiful to have snot blown into it. “Where – where did you get this?” She asked, marveling at it.

“Theolisboswas wrapped in it.” She held the massive wooden phallus up in front of them and asked under her breath, “Do you think his is anything like this?”

Persephone knew she was asking about Hades, but couldn’t bring herself to reply. She was repulsed by the thought of having to Hades naked, and for him to see her, she didn’t want to think any further.

“Absolutely,” Elektra said. “You have to tell us after the wedding night. I mean, he gets naked and you run back out to share your findings before fucking him.”

At that, Persephone excused herself, claiming exhaustion and wedding nerves.

She laid in bed crying most of the night, only falling asleep when her tears had dried up and exhaustion slammed into her like a boulder.


When the sky turned pink the morning of her wedding, Persephone laid in her bed with puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks, watching the walls fade to pink in the sunrise. She hadn’t slept and her head was full of wool and weighed down from crying.

For the first time, she was thankful for tradition and grateful for the ritual bath this morning that would tone down the swelling and add a natural glow to her sad, dull complexion. As if from happiness.

Pressing the cool backs of her hands against her swollen eyes, Persephone kicked off the blankets off her legs and swung them over the bed. The momentum sent her body sliding right off the side, her ass promptly slammed onto the stone ground, the blankets pouring over her.

After throwing the blankets off her yet again, she crawled across the floor, touching her palms to her face intermittently and mumbling, “please, go down,” to herself. Attending her own wedding with a tear stained, puffy red face was not the right way to start a marriage to anyone.

Her mother had already filled the long tub with water. A dip of her fingers told her the fire beneath the tub was raging, and probably had been since before dawn kissed the sky. A thin cloud of steam lined the roof, the window sucking a thin stream of it out into the grey morning.

Appropriate weather to match her feelings about the day.

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