Page 143 of If By Chance

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I shake my head, searching my mind for plans I can’t remember.


I’m not losing my mind.

“What party?” I glance over her shoulder to where people are setting up different stations.

What is going on?

I have an auction to get ready for. I don’t need craziness today.

“I thought you would know. They’ve all been cleared to come through by Nora.”

I rush to the door, and I think I may be in the wrong building. Everyone is pouring into the commons area to see what the commotion is about. There are people I don’t recognize.


Is that a DJ?

And a clown outside?

I hate clowns.

A lady approaches me, dressed head to toe in black, her blonde hair curled around her shoulders. “You must be Claire. I’m Natalie.” She reaches out her hand for me to shake.

I take it, feeling no less confused than I was a minute ago. “And you must be the lady with answers?” I hope she takes it as a question because it is one.

“I’m the hairstylist. I brought two of my girls with me, and two makeup artists. It’s okay for the DJ to set up by the window, right?”

I think I’ve swallowed my tongue, so I nod and try to clear my throat.

“Okay, ladies,” Natalie bellows as she walks back to the center of the room before I can ask her anything else. “I’ve heard some of you would like to have your hair done and learn some makeup tips. We are getting some virgin cocktails ready for you, and the kids will be entertained.”

Everyone cheers and the room lights up with excitement.

Seriously, I’ve entered a parallel universe.

“Claire, we’re having a party.”

At the sight of Jay-Jay running toward me, everything suddenly settles in place. As he hugs me around the waist, my gaze levels to the man staring at me. Standing in the corner, he’s leaning against the wall, arms across his chest, and legs crossed at the ankle, with a smile that coats over every inch of my skin.

It was him.

He did this.

He remembered what I said.

Does he remember everything?

“Hey, handsome boy,” I choke as I embrace Jay-Jay with one arm while pressing my other palm over my mouth to stop the sobs from escaping. “It looks like we’re having a party.”

He stomps with excitement before running away to find his friends.

“Thanks, Claire.”

“You’re the best.”

“This is amazing.”
