Page 144 of If By Chance

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All these compliments are coming in my direction from the women, but they’re telling the wrong person. Yet, I can’t take my eyes away from Jake and how his smile is making my skin tingle.

“Ladies, this wasn’t—” I’m about to correct them, but Jake shakes his head and places a finger over his lips.

I stand there for what I think is minutes, unable to move, unable to comprehend all of this.

Does he realize what this means to these women?

To the children?

To me?

And suddenly, I don’t care how hard my brain fights with my heart because my feet are moving. He straightens, and his smile falters because I’m pretty sure I can’t control the emotions on my face.

“I’m going to hug you now,” I warn, but I don’t give him a chance to answer before I throw my arms around his neck. He doesn’t hesitate, and with a deep breath, I feel warm hands against my lower back.

“For a minute there, I thought you were going to hit me.” He chuckles into my hair, and I hiccup because I try to laugh with him, but a sob cracks in my throat. “Hey, don’t cry.” His laugh is gentle, and I try to hold back a moan when his hand motion circles on my back.

I pull away, lowering my head as I dry my wet cheeks with the back of my hand. But when I look around the room, more tears fall. This time, they fall over the massive smile on my face.

When his hand comes up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, he steals my next breath with his touch. “Keep smiling, sweetheart.”

I gulp, and he can probably see me trying to swallow my nerves. “Thank you, Jake. This is amazing.”

He leans closer. It’s only an inch, but everything in me melts. My lips tingle, and if I just push up on my tiptoes, I can press my lips to his. I can get lost in him again and find myself.

Find us.

It will break another rule, but I can’t find it in myself to care.

“Let’s get dancing, kids.”

Damn it.

The sounds of screams and booming music over the speaker break our connection. He offers me a small smile and takes a step back.

“Non-alcoholic cocktail?” Jake tilts his head toward the tables in the corner.

I lean into him, patting my hand against his chest, only to drop it again when a tingle rushes through my fingertips.

Not here.

Not now.

“Oh, Mr. Williams, you know how to treat a girl.”

He shakes his head before placing his hand on my lower back and pushing me forward.

Once Jake has handed me something sweet and fruity, we stand side by side and watch the scene unfold. This took a lot of organizing. I know Jake cares about this place. I know his heart is bigger than he lets anyone see. But this…This comes from the most caring of hearts. It’s a heart that’s breaking through my own, breaking down cement walls I didn’t know I built. All without knowing and ever being able to tell him.

Witnessing it…Being here with him like this and him allowing me a glimpse into the warmer side of his soul is enough. I can’t ask for more.

He won’t give it, and I probably don’t deserve it.

This is enough.

I risk a glance at him, afraid he’ll see how my heart is playing my emotions on my face, but when I do, he’s already looking at me. I smile, suddenly nervous, as I tap my fingers against my cup. He takes a sip of his drink while stuffing a hand in his suit pants pocket. He grimaces.

“Not to your taste?” I ask, stifling another giggle when he shudders.
