Page 7 of If By Chance

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I reach into my handbag and pull out another box.

“Donut?” I offer.

“Sure,” he agrees, and I appreciate it when he doesn’t comment on how these will go straight to my hips. I must have the desperate look of needing to feed a broken soul.

“So,” he starts before taking a donut from the box and biting down on it. His eyes widen. “Who made these? Angels?”

I nod.

He’s not far from wrong.

“Maggie May is the closest thing you’ll get to an angel. She has a bakery in town. She’s tucked away down an alley on Main Street, but if you’re lucky enough to find her, you’ll never go to another bakery again.”

“I can see why.” He takes another bite while I take another glazed bun.

My ass says, ‘Don’t do it,’ but my heart says, ‘It will heal you.’

“I’ll have to stop by with my son tomorrow before we head home.”

“Ah, I knew you weren’t from around here. City boy?”

“Guilty,” he mumbles. “A friend has been trying to get me to come here for a while. It’s our first time, but we’ll be back. My son loves it.”

How sweet. “What age is he?”

“Eight.” His eyes gleam with pride.

He shakes the sugar from his hands and leans back, lifting his ankle across his thigh.

Focus on your donut, Claire.

I’m heartbroken, and a broken heart sometimes thinks anything with a pulse can fix it.

“So, why are you sitting here on a Friday evening eating donuts with a stranger?”

My eyes glance over at him once more, double-checking the serial killer vibes.

What the hell. I don’t know him. He doesn’t know me. And sometimes, it’s good to offload on a stranger.

“I walked in on my fiancé having sex with another woman yesterday.”

He flinches. “Ouch.”


“Bastard,” he adds.

“Yep.” Silence. “Want to know what he said to me?”

“Why not?”

“He said I was married to my job, and I wasn’t emotionally available.”

My pulse races with the memories of Caleb arriving at my door last night, looking broken but sated, the engagement ring clutched in his hand.

“Ah, the coward’s way out.”

I turn in my seat to face him and swallow the last of my donut. “Right? Okay, I have a hectic job, and I’m hardly ever at home, and I was studying all the time, and he’s a cop, so I know his job is stressful, and…”
