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The two agents took a step back and surveyed me. Then the clouds of Abigail’s confusion parted and her eyes focused. “Ms. Black? What are you doing here?”

If they’d been watching Felix, and they’d found our car, they already knew Sylvester was here, so there was no reason trying to hide it. I could only spin it the best way I possibly could, hoping to avoid Apollo’s wrath.

“I’m here with a client.” I didn’t mention him by name, due to the non-disclosure, but she would easily guess who I meant. “I’m writing his memoir, and a... family member lives in this area. We visited to write the parts about his family history.”

Abigail nodded slowly. “Hmm.” She exchanged eyes with the man in the dark glasses. “I’ll be seeing you around, I’m sure, Ms. Black.” And then, they turned around simultaneously and walked off.

I watched them leave. Then I got back in the car.

Amazingly, I didn’t think that had gone too badly. I think it looked good that I’d been honest with them – well, nearly honest.

Another half-hour passed before Sylvester arrived back at the car with Felix in tow. I smiled to see Felix, all these years later. If Sylvester looked like a cliché of a billionaire, Felix looked like a cliché of a poetry professor: scruffy blazer with an artful tie, books literally tucked under his arms, circular wire glasses slightly crooked. Though they were twins, they were not identical – in fact, Felix had more the craggy look of a rock star about him than Sylvester did. Sylvester had always looked more like a male model in a photo shoot, pretending to be a rock star.

Sylvester opened the door and ushered Felix in – there was plenty of space for all of us.

“Luna!” Felix cried, and my heart instantly warmed. “You look exactly the same as you did when we were teenagers.”

I laughed and extended an arm so I could hug him as much as the limited space allowed. “I hope slightly different. I was a late bloomer.” I was referring, of course, to my chest.

Sylvester was smirking behind Felix as we parted. “I’m fairly certain he’s not looking there.”

I didn’t quite understand the remark.

Felix let out a little laugh. “It’s true. Sylvester and I swing different ways.”

I grinned. What did you say when someone came out to you? “Congratulations.”

Sylvester jumped in the car and shut the door behind him. He started updating me on the developments. “I’m ninety percent sure that the people Felix has seen were Apollo’s agents. If I were a hundred percent sure, I’d have more of an idea of what to do next...”

I interrupted somewhat smugly. “Well, you’re in luck. Because I am one hundred percent sure.”

Sylvester boggled at me. It was satisfying. “Why?”

I smirked. “Some of his agents came sniffing around the car while you were away. I recognized one of them: Abigail, from Apollo’s security team.”

My smirk faltered as I realized I’d possibly just broached my non-disclosure. Did this mean I’d chosen a side – had my gut chosen for me, before my brain could back it up with caution about remaining impartial?

If anything, in the Brock brothers war of Sylvester versus Apollo, if I had to choose a side, I chose Felix’s. An innocent bystander. If Apollo was out to harm him, which both seemed to suspect, then I’d given the information to protect Felix. Not to side with Sylvester.

Sylvester was still somewhat vexed. “What happened?”

“I had to decide whether to stay put and risk them discovering me, or leave the car and say hi, basically. I figured the latter made me look less suspicious. And I have a plausible reason for being here – I’m writing your memoir, and we came here to visit your brother.”

Sylvester nodded. “Good. That’s good. I’m glad nothing bad happened to you. You didn’t think to text?”

“What would you have done? Come sprinting over here to knock them out?”

“I could have done.” He frowned, then changed the subject, speaking to everyone. “Okay. I was going to bring us somewhere secure to talk. But if we know for sure that Apollo’s sniffing around here, I don’t want to take any chances. Felix, you said there’s a break in study coming up? You can get your last lecture covered, do the rest remotely?”

Felix nodded. “Yes, but... where will I go?”

“You’re coming to stay with me. To New York.”

“I suppose I don’t have a choice.”

Sylvester shrugged, but his mouth was a hard line. “Not really. I’m not letting that bastard do anything to you.”

After swingingby Felix’s book-cluttered apartment and helping him to quickly pack a bag, we were back on the private jet.
