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Oh yeah, I was crying, too. Damn hormones. I’d never cried this much in my life.

I dabbed at my tears. “Would you like to get some lunch?”

Curiously, my dad shook his head. A cryptic smile had made its way onto his face.

“You don’t want to get lunch? That’s okay. Maybe we can go for a walk.”

My dad shook his head again, still smiling.

Just then, the orchestra started up again. I was confused. There had been a schedule, and everything had been recorded to perfection.

Besides, this wasn’t a song I’d heard before. Were they just making use of the studio to practice, record something else?

Then I heard something in the midst of the composition: a little melody from one of my solo songs. A shiver went up my spine and I froze solid on the spot, transfixed by whatever the orchestra was doing. Then the song shifted, and a melody from a different song of mine worked its way into the composition. It was beautiful – my music transformed from lo-fi rock into a full orchestral symphony.

I looked at my dad, who had tears in his eyes once again, and was smiling at me. “What is-”

A voice came from the doorway behind us. “We called itLuna’s Theme.”

I startled around to see Sylvester there, dressed casually in that way that reminded me of the Sylvester I’d first known. He hadn’t changed at all really since we’d been teenagers. We were both a little older, disputedly a little wiser. The only thing that had changed his been my perception, and our misconceptions.

I beckoned him over. “Who’s we?”

My dad’s voice chimed in. “Me and Sylvester.”

I was just as surprised to hear my dad speak, so overcome with emotion as he’d been, as I had been to see Sylvester arrive. “You two... composed this together?”

My dad nodded. He sent a wink Sylvester’s way.

Sylvester grinned back. Then he tilted his head to one side, looking at me. “Do you like it?”

I was overwhelmed. It was one of the most beautifully arranged things I’d ever heard. I’d never felt so seen in my life. The two people I loved the most, who knew me the best, had created an orchestral arrangement out of snatches of the songs I’d written.

Sylvester slid his hand into mine. “I’m going to take that look on your face as a yes.”

I stood and listened to the rest of the performance, resting between my two favorite men in the world. Sylvester’s hand stroked my palm, and I realized I was crying again. My dad dabbed carefully at my face as if I might not have the coordination right now to wipe my own tears away. That only made me cry more. But these were tears of happiness, and I didn’t mind them.

The song ended, and the three of us naturally applauded the orchestra, even though they couldn’t hear us. Sylvester’s hand slithered out of mine so he could clap with both.

Then, when I looked around, he was down on one knee on the floor.

I gasped. “Oh no you don’t, Sylvester Brock!”

He grinned up at me. “Oh yes I do, Luna Black.” I saw now that there were tears shining in his eyes too. Just a single manly one had managed to escape and made it halfway down his cheek. “Luna, it’s only ever been you. I thought I didn’t deserve you, and maybe I’ll still be proven right, but for some crazy reason, I think you’d be upset if I tried to martyr myself and pull away so you could find someone better...”

I laughed, angrily, if that’s a possible thing to do. I had too many emotions raging in me right now. “Yes, I would be!”

Sylvester laughed at my reaction. “So, in that case, with all options of being selfless taken away from me... I must make the choice to be selfish, and ask you for what I truly, truly want. What I want, Luna, selfish as I may be... is to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you, Luna?”

He looked up at me with such hope.

I played dumb, deadpanning. “Will I what?”

He blinked and faltered. “Err, I mean to say, will you, um, will you, err... if it’s alright with you, I mean... will you marry me?”

I smirked, and he realized with a jolt that I’d tricked him for a moment. He laughed into the ring box.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Yes, of course. Of course. I will.”
