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Suddenly, we stumble across a large blanket in the sand, and Zak swiftly spreads it out. He slowly helps me onto the blanket, our eyes locked in an intimate gaze. My clothes are discarded in the sand as Zak and I become lost in a passionate embrace.

Incredible pleasure courses through my entire body when Zak's lips touch mine. As his powerful, muscular arms draw me closer to him, pressing my body against his, I feel my heart racing with eager anticipation. As his fingers trace soft patterns along my skin, I feel a shiver of electricity run through my entire body. As we embrace, our hands explore each other, and we lose ourselves in the thrill of learning something new about each other. His passionate kisses make me feel weak and aroused, and the desire I am feeling causes my thoughts to become hazy. We start out moving slowly together, but as our muscles coordinate, the excitement between us grows.

As he kisses me passionately, I can feel my heart racing under the tantalizing strokes of his hands as they caress and tickle me. He trails his lips slowly down my neck, exploring my flesh. My breath catches in my throat, and I shout his name as we quicken our pace. I need more and more time with him. He continues to probe me thoroughly until he locates all of my erogenous zones, sending large crashing waves of pleasure through my entire body. With each passing second, I become more and more entranced by the way his body caresses mine. It feels like time has stopped as we press closer together and deepen the heat of the moment.

The more he kisses me, the more my body heats up, and the more I feel an intense wave of blissful pleasure wash over me as his tongue moves over my skin. I’m so overjoyed that I cling to him, drawing us both in until I can feel him growing inside of me. We keep dancing in perfect harmony with each other, our bodies entwined in the most enchanting way. His breath becomes more labored as he grows even closer to me and presses against me. His beat quickens, and with a sigh of relief, we are hit by the wave of intense pleasure that had been building up for so long. We are both physically shaking from the ecstasy, and neither of us wants it to end. In the wake of that tsunami, a serene calm washes over us, whispering of a profound connection entwining our souls. Zak's strong arms hold me, preserving the raw intimacy that had woven itself between us in our heated exchange under the sultry gaze of the fading sun. The comforting solidity of his embrace, only moments removed from our passionate intertwining in the musky sand, intoxicates me with pure contentment.

Our intimacy, timeless in its beauty, paints a tableau of tangled limbs on the blanket, champagne souls toasting in the twilight. When the shivers of shared ecstasy subside, we lie intertwined, gilded by the setting sun, souls humming in harmony, a testament to an intensity unknown to us till now.

For a brief moment, I lie there in Zak's arms, completely paralyzed by the blissful silence. But gradually, my conscience begins to pierce through the seductive haze, causing guilt to consume my soul. I know all too well that if my father ever finds out about our affair, it would be disastrous. But in all truth, it feels so right to be with him. For a brief moment, while listening to Zak's breaths deepen as he falls asleep, I let myself consider what a life with him could look like. I don't feel like a mother yet; I haven't come to terms with the fact that there is a human growing in my stomach that will become my baby. I find myself picturing a life with Zak, envisioning us together, cuddling a sweet little baby, Zak nuzzling my forehead in pure joy. However, I am quickly snapped back into reality by the haunting cries of a distant seagull. Those visions are nothing more than a fruitless fantasy—Zak is not one to settle down, and if my father were ever to discover our sin, likely the whole world would come crumbling down. Reality revealed its face to me once again; I would have to face this alone. The worries I have for my future sing thoughtfully in my head like the rolling waves of the ocean nearby—an endless melody of worries and doubts that keeps me up, perhaps in some ways protecting me from facing tomorrow. Eventually, against all odds, I finally drift off to sleep.


The following few days are filled with unending joy. Even though neither Izzie nor I bring up the moment we had on the beach together, we are both able to unwind when in each other's company. The atmosphere between us is charged with electricity, and the sensation only increases my desire for Izzie. Whatever it is that was bothering her the other day when she had the paint accident doesn't appear to be bothering her at this point in time at all. She explains to me that she has instructed Marcos to get the hell out of town. I make an effort to cover up how happy I am, but I just can't hide my overwhelming sense of relief. It takes every ounce of self-control I have not to punch him when I spot him loitering around a few different locations in the city, looking miserable. The fact that he treated Izzie in such a manner infuriates me to no end. I can tell that she’s anxious about bringing him up, but once we’re in the car, I manage to keep my cool and remain collected. I’m proud of her for telling him to leave, and I let her know that it was a good thing.

"Just good?" she replies, fishing for a response, but I’m uncertain of what she is looking for.

"It's good. He was terrible towards you. You deserve someone better," I say gently. She purses her lips and nods, looking out the window.

"And FYI, I'm not someone better," I add, looking at her seriously. She looks surprised that I'd even hinted at that notion.

Her head whips back towards me. "I never said you were," she’s defensive.

"I know. But just so you know. I'm bad news, I'm not a good guy, and I wouldn't make a good boyfriend." I want to make sure she doesn't get the wrong idea about what happened between us on the beach. She deserves better than Marcos and me, better than what either of us could offer her. I can sense a deep feeling of sadness in me as I realize I don't have the capacity to give her what she needs.

She looks out the window again, not responding. I’m not sure why, but I feel as if I'd just said something more than I meant. Like in that moment, I just changed the course of our situation without even realizing it.

I drop Izzie off at Dave’s; she gets out without so much as a goodbye. I’d definitely pissed her off then. Izzie couldn't resist being sassy when she was mad, so if she was silent, that must mean she’s really mad.

I wait on the driveway for a moment, leaning my forehead on the steering wheel. How can everything suddenly go from great to awful? We were doing so well since the night on the beach, and now I had to ruin it by bringing up relationships. I was right in what I said, though. I’m not the right guy for Izzie. Sure, we'd have our fun here this summer; we could both gain some wonderful summer fling memories to cling to on cold winter nights. But really, we both surely know this isn't serious. Izzie needs someone her own age, someone who hasn’t already been damaged by life. Someone good. That isn't me. I’m too stubborn, too old, too wise even. I set off back to my condo.

I choose to live in a nice condo complex just outside of the main town. I prefer it like that because it feels like I’m not alone, saying hi to Johnny, the security guard, each day and chatting with other people in the building. Not that anybody who actually lives in town can afford this place, so it’s occupied by a couple of people with holiday homes who visit each summer and some weekends, and then the other units were rented by tourists.

I have to admit, though, I’m really looking forward to moving back home. The thought makes my heart swell. I am finally ready to move back in. Once Izzie and I finish up, that will be my forever house. I never thought I would be at a place, mentally, where I could handle moving back there. But it feels right. I have to admit, it feels even more right now that Izzie has sprinkled the place with her feminine touch.

Later that evening I'm relaxing, watching a random boring movie on the TV, only half paying attention, scrolling through my emails at the same time. Suddenly, my heart drops. One email with the subject line *You have 24 hours* catches my attention. At first, I think it’s spam, but I click on it anyway because I've never received anything like this before.

I stop breathing when I immediately see the photo attachment in the email. It’s Izzie. It's not just Izzie. It's a picture of her and me, both very clearly naked, very clearly about to kiss on the beach, our bodies entwined.

“Fuck!” I shout to nobody.

I keep scrolling, reading the rest of the email.

“Dear Zak,

I know your secret. Sleeping with your best friend's daughter? Naughty, naughty Zak. That’s low, even for you. If you think these photos are bad, wait until you see what I have on my computer. If you want to make sure these don't get sent to Dave and then everyone else in town, you need to leave $10,000 cash on that spot on the beach at 11 pm Wednesday. It should be easy for a millionaire like you. I'm being generous, only asking for that much. Come alone. Or else, everyone else will finally discover what a scumbag you really are.


I shut my laptop with rage and shoot up, pacing around the room. Think, Zak, think. Who the fuck could this be?. It has to be someone from town if they know me and know who Izzie is. Nobody in town hates me this much though, surely? I mean, yeah, I know that some people don’t like me since I came back. They mostly don’t like the fact that I have money and that I’m not afraid to show it. In comparison, they have no problem with Dave, who acts like he has no wealth at all. Bastard is probably richer than I am.

But for someone to hate me this much? This is personal. They have something against me. I'm not putting up with this; I’ll be damned if I bend over backward for some cowardly blackmailer. I still have over 24 hours before 11 pm, and I intend to use that time to bring this scumbag down. Nobody fucks with me. And, more importantly, nobody uses Izzie as a weapon against me. Even the thought of that makes me feel sick.

I go into action mode, fast. I message Izzie a short text explaining that I'm feeling sick and I won't be able to work tomorrow, so she gets the day off. She responds as expected, considering her attitude earlier, with merely a thumbs-up emoji. I shake my head; I don't have the time for her made-up drama. I need to make sure those photos don't get out, for both of our sakes.

So, onto the next step. It's time to give JJ Johnson a call; he's the kind of person who can be counted on in sticky situations like this one. It is a given that you will have fans if you are a professional athlete performing at your peak, and unfortunately, some of those fans will behave more like stalkers. During the time of my greatest success, I was being followed by a psychotic woman who was under the impression that we were already married or that we were destined to be married to each other. She was essentially harmless, more annoying than anything else. However, she managed to get into our team locker room one day and secretly slipped a love letter into one of my lockers. After that, I felt a deep sense of dread and unease.

I was complaining about her to one of my buddies one day, and they recommended Mr JJ to me. They said he was a "PI and other stuff." To this day, I haven't asked, and don't want to know, what the other stuff is. All I know is that I asked him to find out who she was and see if he could figure out any way to stop her; I needed evidence to have a case against her.
