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I glare at him. “No flower-related puns; it's a rule of mine." Or it would be if my name were actually Daisy. I imagine it could get quite annoying, really. People would probably be making flower jokes at you all day. He chuckles in response. I am glad I amuse him; I get the impression he’s resistant to laughing. It seems almost unnatural for him.

I shuffle off the seat and start to walk out, but he grabs my hand, and we walk out the door together.I feel so alive, so daring. For a moment, I feel like I am someone else entirely. I am Daisy, and she gets whatever she wants.

He raises his eyebrows at me, with an aura about him that is simultaneously intimidating and disarming.

We stroll down the street, taking turns talking, engaging in mundane conversation about my journey from Cali and the old man at the bar. Before we know it, we find ourselves standing outside my hotel room. The atmosphere shifts, and there's a certain electricity in the air. Our eyes meet, and I can feel a pull between us so strong it's almost magnetic.

I slowly open the door, step through it, and am immediately met with the unexpected sensation of being pressed up against the wall. As Zak's body presses against mine, I take deep breaths, aware that I am vulnerable but also extremely aroused by the sensation. He seizes hold of my face with his hands and compels me to look in his direction. When he does this, I can feel his breath against my neck, and the hair on the back of my neck stands on end in eager anticipation.

He mutters, "What do you want?" whispering the words slowly into my ear. Oh god.

"You," I respond, breathless and impatient.

He does not waste any time catering to my desires. As he removes my clothes and runs his hands across my body, my excitement and anticipation cause my heart to race. Before sliding his mouth slowly down my stomach, he titillates my nipples with his tongue. His lips follow the same path as his hands, massaging and caressing my curves. The more he kisses and touches me, the more it feels like he is worshiping my body, and the more I give in to the pleasure, the more I lose myself in it. He guides us to the bed, removing his own clothes somehow during the process. I try to touch him, but he smacks my hand away.

“I want to please you first,” he commands. I nod, unable to speak.

I lie down on the bed, and he slips his finger inside me; he teases me, arousing me even more until I’m trembling with desire for him. He progresses to two fingers, sending surges of pleasure coursing through me; my breathing quickens, and I feel like I’m on the verge of exploding. He’s kissing my body and teasing my nipples at the same time; I’m about to go off the deep end. Just before I reach my peak, he stops and smiles at me. I tremble as he utters the words, "I want you to come when I'm inside of you."

My entire body tenses up in anticipation of his powerful thrusts, and as soon as he positions himself in between my thighs, his eagerness becomes immediately apparent. My entire body tightens up in preparation. I can’t help looking at his massive member as his body hovers above me, ready to penetrate - and I can't help feeling a little uneasy; I have no idea how that will fit. When he enters me with one powerful thrust, his hips rock forward, causing a wave of pleasure to travel through my body. He does this while in the act of entering me. I squeak with delight, noticing that he is giving me more and more. His movements become even more intense and passionate, and soon I find myself moaning with pleasure as he continues rhythmic thrusts that cause my entire body to shake and quiver.

"Daisy," he yells out, giving the impression that he’s not far away.

I have the impression of being in a completely different realm, and in that instant, nothing else matters other than the two of us being together. I feel like I’m in a different time and place. He continues to thrust more forcefully and more deeply within me as my orgasm gets closer and closer to becoming more intense. His powerful penetration persists for a considerable amount of time, bringing me ever closer to the point of ecstasy before I finally give in. I let out a deep groan after what seems like an eternity, just as he brings me to the point where the ground begins to shake. My mental and physical capabilities are overtaken by feelings of joy and satisfaction as I make my way down from the point of greatest ecstasy. After reaching his own personal high point, he rolls off me, panting.

I attempt to take a breath as I throw my arms over my head and then cover my mouth with my hands. Sensation spreads throughout my entire body, and as I lie there next to him, I notice that my legs are still trembling. I feel as if I’m in a trance due to the intensity of our connection. I can’t believe how powerful it was.

This was the most amazing one-night stand I've ever had in my entire life. He doesn't say a word as he pulls me into his arms, and we lie there naked together for a while before I eventually fall asleep - cradled in the arms of this stunning man.


At the age of 42, I shouldn't be trying to pull my boxers up as quietly as possible so as not to wake up the one-night stand who is currently sound asleep in the hotel bed. And yet, here I am, carefully putting on my Calvin Kleins before finding the rest of my clothes from the previous night. I move stealthily around the dingy room, feeling the chill of the air and the darkness that has settled into the crevices of this space. I have to creep around the bed on my tiptoes in order to get to my jeans.

The appearance of the room is appalling; it is dingy, frigid, and dark. I last stayed somewhere like this before I "made it". Now, I've become all too accustomed to the luxuries. Usually, when I had to stay away from home for away games, it was in nothing less than a five-star hotel. Even if I were to find a woman to spend the night with, I would, in most cases, insist that we go back to my place because I always choose my own bed over the bed of anyone else, regardless of the circumstances. However, things were quite different the night before. I hadn't been thinking clearly because I was too preoccupied with the whiskey and the woman who was sleeping next to me in the bed. She was smokin’ hot and self-assured, funny and clever, sassy and sinfully desirable; she was everything I'd ever wanted in a woman, and exactly why I had to keep my distance from her. Girls like her wanted commitment, labels, a life together; marriage, and kids, and I wasn't ready for any of those things. She wanted a life together; I didn't want a life together. In addition to this, there is the fact that she must be at least ten or fifteen years younger than I am.

I give myself permission to take one more look at her as she lies on the bed diagonally, still naked from the events of the previous night. The thin duvet skims just below her chest so that her upright nipple is on display, showcasing her ample and perfectly round breasts. I feel my desire and arousal rising instantly. God. She is very alluring. I force myself to avert my gaze and then scamper off into the bathroom as quietly as possible. I drench my face in ice water to assuage my cravings and shake off the effects of the intoxication I had experienced the night before. My body is rife with the desire to go back to bed and re-experience the sweetness of Daisy's smooth skin as I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I want to do it all over again. But I'm unable to. My obligation to be Nigel's right-hand man at his wedding this morning, which I promised to him, takes precedence over my own needs. Even though I had time to change clothes at home, he insisted that I be there at 10 in the morning. I raise my arms and detect a musty odor clinging to my armpits. At that moment, I realize that a speedy shower wouldn't be a bad idea either.

I am too tempted to return to bed, so I leave before I can change my mind, closing the door behind me and removing any possibility of waking the sleeping girl or of ever seeing her again. Daisy is her name, and she's here from California on a visit. That was about all I knew about her. Even in this day and age of social media, that is not sufficient information to go on to find somebody online. Because tourists only stay in town for a weekend on average, and because I would be busy with best man duties, I seriously doubted that I would ever have the opportunity to see her again.

This picturesque seaside community is about to enter its peak tourist season, which means there will be plenty of opportunities to meet stunning blondes who are spending the weekend here in search of excitement and fun. And I am normallyverygood at being flexible in order to accommodate the fun. This is a thought that in the past would have energized me, but in the present, it leaves me with a feeling that is not quite complete. Both my lack of sleep and my excessive consumption of alcohol were undoubtedly wreaking havoc on my common sense. I give myself a fresh start by walking out of the hotel doors, hailing a cab outside, and making my way back to my apartment. While I'm sitting in the cab and looking out the window, I can't help but feel a strange mixture of regret and guilt because I slipped away without telling Daisy, and I know that I'll never see her again.

As soon as I get home, I get into the shower and change my clothes. Despite the fact that I didn't get any sleep and drank a little more than I should have, I'm actually feeling pretty good and refreshed. I think it's a combination of both the lack of sleep and the extra alcohol. My cat Milo purrs affectionately against my legs as I greet him, and I smile.

Milo is the most important thing in my life; however, I don’t tell many people about him because, for some reason, other people look down on single men in their forties who have cats. They think I'm some sort of shady cat man rather than a crazy cat lady endangering the neighborhood with her antics.

"You don't think I'm some kind of weird cat guy, do you?"

Milo responds with a purr before slowly walking away. He is the master of this domain, and I am merely his servant here; I am responsible for cleaning up after him.

I thumb the buttons of my crisp white suit, checking each one in the mirror before smoothing the lapel. When Dave asked me to be his best man, I accepted with shock, surprise, and honor. Though we had known each other for years, I would not have expected this move from him. Mostly I was surprised that he was actually going to marry Mel. I knew that the two of them were dating, but I never imagined they would become serious.

It felt odd for me to be at their wedding as I was responsible for introducing Mel and Dave. I had grown up with Mel here in Hoola Bay, though nothing romantic had ever happened between us. We’d reconnected in my “wild boy” days after the incident. She always knew where to find a good party. But when I brought them together, it was like something sparked. Well, to be honest, Mel seemed to hit it off with anybody, but Dave was instantly smitten. Before that, I didn't know that I'd ever seen Dave laugh and smile so much. However, when Mel came into the picture, something changed. It was like a wave of heat had descended, and he was captivated.

I was overjoyed for Dave, and I couldn't have asked for anything more. His life had been filled with darkness, and to see him looking so happy and allowing himself this moment of joy was a welcome sight.

After I finished getting ready, I check myself once more in the mirror. I am ready to witness my best friend's wedding and celebrate the two of them finally getting married.


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