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Walking down to the shore, I let my tears mix with the salty sea breeze, the ethereal view of endless waves, a testament to the enormity of life's unexpected twists. Was California really an option now? Could I burden my roommate with three more souls?

And then there’s Zak. Sweet, caring Zak. Absurdly baseball-obsessed Zak. Did he sign up for a future with a partner and three kids while fixing this cottage? He had always stated he wasn't ready to share his life. What if he wasn’t ready to become a father—to three?

The sun begins setting, casting long shadows that dance ominously on the rippling water. My mind swims with thoughts, each more unnerving than the other, each wave of worry matching the rhythm of the swelling sea before me.

Could I do this alone? Raise three kids without a partner, without their father? The thought is terrifying and daunting. The image of three babies, my babies, snuggled in a beautiful nursery pulls at my heartstrings. The realization is bitter, laced with a slight hint of exhilarating joy. I am to become a mother. A mother of three!

The shrilling cries of the seagulls mingle with my teary laughter. My heart clenches at the thought of the painful confusion, the sleepless nights that await me. The weight of my decision is reflected in the ocean's vast expanse before me, as intimidating as it is inviting.

Taking a deep breath, I stare out at the sea. Its reassuring size and the relentless rhythm of its waves are oddly comforting. Unknown paths lie ahead, and as night falls over the beach, the horizon blurs with my tears, courting courage for the twisting life waiting beyond the calm sunset.

I feel small, dwarfed by the magnitude of the ocean and the enormous responsibility growing inside me. Yet, I am not just small. I am mighty—I am fierce—I am a mother-to-be. With triplets in the belly and a storm in the heart, I am undoubtedly lost; but aren't I also feeling incomparable, irrevocably alive?

“Hey,” that voice. That darn voice.

I look up into Zak's deep brown eyes; I know I must look terrible. I've been crying most of the afternoon, processing the information I found out this morning.

“I'm so glad you’re okay,” he breathes out. “Hey, hey, don’t get upset. You’re okay now.” He reassures me.

For a moment, I wonder what he is talking about, then it comes rushing back. Zak thought I'd been kidnapped; he'd come to the house last night. It feels like a million years have passed since then. He thinks I’m upset about the whole fake kidnapping. He couldn’t be farther from the truth. Gosh, finding out about the triplets!

I smile softly. “I’m okay,”

He kneels down on the sand to hold me, and I lean into his embrace, enjoying the feeling of warmth.

“I was so worried about you,” he whispers into my ear.

I shuffle off him then, remembering my own promise to distance myself from him. "I'm fine," I add again before looking towards the ocean. The one that pulls me in.

"I found out who it was."

I raise my eyebrows. He has me intrigued now. “Oh yeah? And who was it?”

“Carl,” he spits out the name with venom. “A loser whose computer shop I brought up a couple years ago. He's had a vendetta against me ever since, but I never realized it ran this deep.”

“What? Some computer nerd did all this?” I question.

"Yeah, his skills with technology meant he knew a little about how to fake that video. Not enough, though. My PI has dealt with him. He won't be bothering us anymore." Zak reassures me and reaches out to hold me again.

“I was worried about you,” he repeats. I want to shuffle out of his embrace again. I want to reveal everything to him. I want to tell him that I am pregnant with triplets, and he is the father. But the words get stuck in my throat; they won't come out. I can't speak that into reality. I can't remove myself from him either. After the emotional whirlwind of the last few days, for both of us, I want this. I need this. That's why, when he nuzzles into my neck and kisses it softly, I don't pull back. I moan softly, encouraging him to go on. I want to forget. I want to lose myself in him, and secretly, a part of me still holds on to the dream of us being a family, and the more time I spend like this with him, the more I can pretend that dream has any possibility of becoming a reality.

When Zak presses his lips against mine, it gives me a buoyant feeling in my head. My skin has been anticipating his touch, and his hands skim over the contours of my body as they move along the curves. A tremor of arousal shoots through me, making me aware of every inch of my skin as it spreads across my body. I lose all ability to control myself, and as he picks me up and carries me away, I wrap my legs around his waist and cling to him for dear life. I don't bother to ask where we are going because I have complete faith that he will take me to a place that I will adore.

After he finally comes to a stop and carefully sets me down, I look around in a state of amazement. It is the moon room, the downstairs room that I had painstakingly painted with stars, moons, and clouds. The version of me who first sketched that seems like a different person. She had no idea what the summer was about to bring. Everywhere I look, I see my own artwork on the walls.

“This is my new favorite place,” Zak whispers in my ear, causing both my heart to swell and my body to shiver.

Zak puts his hands on either side of my face and kisses me passionately while his body is pressed up against mine. He has a scent that reminds me of the ocean and sand, and it makes me feel intoxicated. His kisses become more passionate as time goes on, and his touch becomes more assured and certain. When I run my hands down his broad shoulders and then all the way down to his waist, I can feel the muscles in his body tensing up in response to my touch. Zak has the physique of an alpha male, which means he is strong and powerful.

Despite this, he manages to keep his movements under control and avoid inflicting any harm on me. As I work my way back up, my fingers travel down his spine, feeling each and every muscle as I go. The more he is caressed, the more aroused he becomes until he finally lets out a low growl. When we are close enough for me to feel the heat that is coming off of him, his hands move to my hips and guide me closer to him. As the intensity of our interaction increases, I press my body against his and lean into him. As we lean in closer and taste each other, his kiss becomes more passionate and intense.

His hands eagerly roam my body as he explores me with an unquenchable desire to know more about me. He turns me around and runs his hands over my body as my mind begins to spin with the pleasure of the experience. His strong hands move from my waist to my breasts as he traces circles with his thumb over my nipples, causing a wave of pleasure to travel through my entire body.

As his hands move lower between my legs, I can feel myself reaching a new level of pleasure. I savor every moment of it. He plays with my clitoris gently, then faster and faster. I am lost in him. It is his deft touch that brings me closer and closer until I have the impression that I am flying. His hands are all over the place, claiming me as his own as he moves me over and over, bringing me to ever-increasing levels of pleasure. When I reach my highest point, I let out a scream that includes his name, which sends us both into a spin. Our breathing eventually slows, and as we lay entwined with one another, we both heave a sigh of relief and contentment.


Receiving Dave's text for a hiking trip is somewhat surprising, peculiar even. We used to embark on such adventures quite frequently in the past. However, this summer has been different. With a new wife, a stepson to care for, and Izzie's return, our previously sacred hiking times have somehow taken a backseat.

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