Page 107 of Dreams of Magic

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He patted her back gently with his uninjured arm, “I’m okay. The other two are also dead. And I called Aiden. He should be here any minute.”

She breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped back, “Good. They tranquilized Marshall so he’s knocked out.”

Chris growled loudly, “Motherfuckers. They were trying to take you guys again. This is getting old.”

“Marshall got that much out of that guy.” She motioned to the dead guy by the truck, “His name was Vance and he said he was from Blood Moon.”

“Andre used his own men this time. Not that they did any better of a job than Tate’s men.” Chris sounded furious. She found it a little scary, how angry yet calm he was. It was like the calm before a terrible storm.

She looked around at the damage, at Chris’ broken arm and Marshall lying unconscious on the ground. “He may have been just a little closer to success than Tate’s men. All of us are injured. If you had not been here, they probably would have gotten us.”

She hated seeing her brother lying there helpless. She walked over to him and kneeled so she could put his head in her lap. For a moment she thought about trying to heal him, but she wasn’t sure it would work on the chemical in his body. She also didn’t want to be distracted until they had back up.

Chris started walking around, taking in the damage. He was examining the side of his car when she heard a vehicle approaching and Aiden’s truck squealed to a stop in the middle of the road.

Aiden, Jordan and two other men piled out of the truck. Aiden headed straight to her and dropped down next to her.

He gently held her chin and turned her face so he could see better.

She had completely forgotten that her face and head were injured, but if the scowl on his face was anything to go by, it wasn’t a pretty sight. “I’m going to kill them.”

She smiled, “You’re a little late to the party for all that. They’re already dead.”

He growled, “The man who sent them isn’t.”

She stopped smiling. He really looked ready to kill someone, and she needed him to calm down if he was going to be any help, “We will find them. But right now, we need to call the police and get out of here. Marshall needs a doctor. I don’t know what they knocked him out with, but it could be dangerous.”

Aiden grunted and stood up to address one of the men she didn’t know, “Gabriel, call down to the station and have Dale get up here. We’re gonna have to do some damage control. We can’t let the coroner get their hands on these guys. Gage, take Kenzie, Chris and Marshall back to the pack. They all need to see Doc.”

She watched the two men jump to do what he said. One of them, she assumed was Gage, walked over to her and pulled Marshall from her lap. He didn’t even seem to notice her brother’s dead weight as he lifted him over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry.

“Come along ma’am. Doc will fix you right up.” She jumped to her feet to follow him but stopped next to Aiden first.

“Thank you for coming to get us. And cleaning up the mess.” She leaned into him for a quick kiss.

He deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around her for a minute, savoring it. After a moment, he pulled back and gently kissed the tip of her possibly broken nose, “Always baby. Go get patched up.”

She ran to catch up with Gage, who was laying Marshall across the back seat. She didn’t like the look of him lying there, so slid in next to him and again, placed his head on her lap. She was going to watch over him until he woke up.

Once Chris slid into the front passenger seat, Gage pulled away from the scene of the crash.

She saw the horrible crumble of Marshall’s truck and the twisted mess of Chris’ beautiful Charger and wanted to cry.

“I am so sorry about your car Chris.” She felt terrible and really hoped it could somehow be fixed.

Chris shrugged, “It’s okay. It’s just a car and she kept you safe. That’s all I care about. With the way they hit us, if we had been in one of those new fiber glass contraptions they make now, it could have been much worse.”

“That’s true. My car would not have handled so well. A slight wind practically blows it over. Do you think you’ll be able to fix it?”

“Maybe. If the frame isn’t bent, I should be able to. I’m hoping it’s mostly body work, but we’ll see.” His voice was a little strained, but she didn’t think it was because of the car.

From her seat in the back, she could see him cradling his arm. She figured it was excruciating and was glad they were pulling up to the gate. She kept talking to distract him, “Does your car have a name?”

He chuckled, “Yep. I call her Black Betty.”

She laughed, “Like the song?”

“Ah you know your classics. Exactly like the song. What’d you name yours?”
