Page 106 of Dreams of Magic

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She didn’t hesitate but threw her door open and dropped low to stay behind the vehicle. She could hear the loud pops and cracks as Chris shifted. She gave his broken arm a quick thought, and how much it would hurt to change. She knew he would fight through the pain, so shook off her worry and made herself focus.

She glanced over the hood to see if she had enough space to run to Marshall’s truck. There was one guy between them. She didn’t want to shift yet in case she needed to pull Marshall out of the truck, so she’d have to fight him without a weapon. If she was quick, she might be able to catch him by surprise.

Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself, then darted out from behind the car and ran straight at the man in her way. Luckily, he was facing away from her, so she was able to get the drop on him. She figured she’d keep it simple and kicked him as hard as she could right between the legs.

The man screamed and dropped to his knees. But even as he dropped, he started to swing his rifle in her direction. She didn’t hesitate as she grabbed the sides of his head and snapped his neck, just like Cassie had taught her.

The loud crunching sound almost made her sick, but she pushed through it. She would think about it later when they were out of danger.

She ran straight for the truck and Marshall. She trusted Chris to keep the other men off her back. But as she reached the truck, she saw Marshall crawling out of the broken windshield. His head was bleeding, and there were cuts all over his face and arms. Just before she reached him, she heard a loud pop.

She glanced around and saw there was a second man standing on the other side of the truck she hadn’t been able to see. And he shot Marshall.

Marshall was out of the truck now and he ran straight at the man who shot him. She was right on his heels. The man moved too slow to avoid them. Marshall wrenched the man’s arm behind his back at the same time Kenzie ripped the gun away from him.

She used the butt of the gun to hit him in the face, breaking his nose.

Marshall twisted the man’s arm to unbalance him and wrenched it behind his back again, pulling it tighter as he shoved him to the ground, “Who the hell are you?”

The man just grunted, so Marshall planted a knee in his back and pulled his arm up farther, nearly ripping it out of place, “Tell me, or I will rip it off.”

The man screamed, “OKAY STOP!”

Marshall loosened his grip just a hare, “Speak.”

“Vance, from Blood Moon.” He gritted his teeth as Marshall leaned his knee deeper into his back.

“And why did you just run us off the damn road? What the hell does Andre want?” Marshall’s voice was practically a growl, his face twisted in anger, and she thought, pain. Though he was trying to hide it.

She tried to see where he had been shot but couldn’t get a good look.

Vance smiled as he looked up at her from the ground, “You and your sister.”

“Why?” Marshall wrenched his arm tight again when Vance didn’t answer.

Instead of replying to Marshall’s question, Vance said, “Has that tranq dart started to kick in yet? I bet you’re starting to get drowsy.”

Marshall cringed, “Answer my question asshole!”

Oh no, she ran around to get a better look at where she thought he’d been shot. There was a dart sticking out of his side. She ripped it out, but knew it was already too late. He was going to pass out.

She looked around to find Chris. He had killed one of the men from the SUV that hit them and was fighting the second now. The man had shifted as well. She figured they didn’t want Chris alive, just her and Marshall. She knew Chris could handle himself so focused back on Marshall and Vance.

Marshall swayed. She darted forward to grab him as he tried to steady himself, still holding onto Vance’s arm.

The pinned man started to laugh, a sharp hysterical sound, “Night night Alpha.”

Marshall slumped forward just enough to reach Vance’s throat, and with one smooth move, ripped it out.

She looked away, but not before seeing the gaping wound. The sounds were horrible as he died, drowning in his own blood. Her mind tried to throw her back into those cells, but again she shook it off. This was not the time.

She grabbed onto Marshall as he started to topple over and pulled him away from the dead body.

She dragged him onto the shoulder of the road, into the grass and laid him down as he completely passed out. She checked his pulse to reassure herself he was still alive, only breathing again when she felt the strong beat under her fingers.

Taking a deep breath to try and push away her own dizziness, she sat back on her heels and glanced around. The road was a mess. They would need help, but first she needed to check on Chris. As she stood up to get a better view, Chris walked around the truck wearing just a pair of jeans.

She rushed to him and threw her arms around his neck, “Oh god, I was so worried! Are you okay?”
