Page 122 of Dreams of Magic

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She wrapped her arms around his neck, “Will it hurt you?”

“Did it hurt when I bit you?”

Her face turned thoughtful for a moment, then she shook her head, “Not really. I think for a second, I thought it did, but it was more surprising. Then it just felt good.”

“Good. That’s how it should be for me too.”

“Okay.” She leaned forward and kissed his shoulder in the exact spot she would bite, “Is this what you want?”

He took her face in his hands and looked her in the eyes so there would be no mistakes, “I know you’re probably not ready to hear this, but I am in love with you. I want nothing more than to be your mate. So, if you are ready, I would love for you to mark me.”

Kenzie’s eyes dilated and her breath quickened the slightest bit, “Aiden.”

He shook his head, “You don’t have to say it back. And marking me is completely your choice.”

She leaned forward and kissed him deeply, putting all her emotions into the kiss, “I’m not ready to say it back yet. I have too many emotions running through me right now to sort them all out. But I know I have never felt this way about anyone before and I know I want to spend my life with you.”

He smiled, “That is good enough for me babe. Go ahead and mark me if you want.”

She ran her fingers through his hair, tugging gently on the dark strands. She gently tilted his head to the side for better access, then summoned her wolf just as he’d instructed.

Her teeth shifted in her mouth, feeling too tight for her human jaw. She kissed his shoulder one more time, then without any more hesitation, she bit him.

Her teeth sank into his shoulder, just barely breaking the skin when she felt the bond begin to form. She held there for another moment as the mate bond fully snapped into place, then pulled her teeth out of his shoulder.

It almost felt like a cord connected them. Her wall was fully in place, but she could still feel him. His emotions, his heartbeat, the breath moving in and out of his lungs. It was like she was hyper attuned to him in every way.

She could taste his blood on her tongue. She watched the bite for another minute to make sure the wound clotted and started to close.

Aiden wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him for a deep kiss, overwhelming her senses with him. It was the most incredible feeling.

When he pulled back, he leaned his forehead against hers, “Are you okay?”

She chuckled, “I’m great. You’re the one who lost blood.”

“It’ll grow back.”

“I can feel you now.” She placed a hand on his chest to feel the rhythm of his heart, then pressed on his chest so he would lay back.

He pulled her down beside him, “I can feel you too. We will always be able to feel each other now.”

She sighed with contentment as she laid her head on his shoulder and curled around him once more. This was his new favorite way to sleep.

“I think I’m going to love this mate thing.”

He kissed the top of her head, “Me too love.”

He held her as she drifted back to sleep in his arms. Then quickly sent up a prayer to the Moon Goddess, asking her to keep the woman he loved safe.

No matter what happened in the next few days, he knew he would do anything for her, to protect her. He couldn’t shake this feeling that something was coming fast, but he would be ready.

He made a vow to himself that no matter what, he would end this and make her happy in her new life.

With an image of her beautiful smile in his mind, he drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 26.

