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Chapter 1

It's You


I've forgotten how busy American airports are, especially the Los Angeles International Airport.

It made me realize how much I have missed this bustling city I call home. The excitement of being back here makes my smile even brighter.

Walking toward the exit, I pull my cart filled with my suitcases and luggage, feeding my eyes with every new thing I see.

Everything looks different and brand new, making me want to tour the city before heading home to see how much things have changed.

But I also want to see my uncle.

I've missed him so much.

For the three years I was away in Milan, we got to FaceTime and call each other only a few times due to our busy schedules.

But that didn't strain our relationship at all.

Uncle John is like a father figure to me.

After my parents died in a plane crash when I was very young, he took me in and treated me as his own. He never got married because most women competed for his attention with me.

But I don't want him to remain lonely because of me. I want him to eventually find love because he deserves someone to care for him as he has cared for me.

My smile widens when I see my uncle's driver, Jeremy, holding a placard with my name. It's been a while since I've seen him, and I'm glad he is still around. He sees me and smiles back.

Jeremy is loyal, so I understand why my uncle, John keeps him around.

"Hello, Ms. Coleman," He greets me cheerfully, giving me a slight bow. "Welcome back." He adds. He is very respectful to me, even though he's much older than I am.

"Good to see you, Jeremy," I smile at him, giving him a once-over. "Gosh, you haven't aged a day." I tease him, wiggling my brows at him. He laughs.

"And you haven't lost your wit," He teases back, and I laugh too.

"Let me get that for you," He offers to take my cart, and I thank him as I give the cart to him. He leads me to the car and unloads my bags from the cart into the trunk. I breathe in the fresh air, smiling in nostalgia.

"I've missed this place," I say, feeling the sun on my face.

Jeremy chuckles. "Welcome back to Los Angeles. No place like home, right?" He chips in, "How was your trip back? You must be jet-lagged."

"It was smooth, but you are right. I am jet lagged." I say with a yawn. "I need to rest," I add.

"I bet your uncle has other plans," He gives me a knowing look while I look back in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You'll see." He smirks.

"My girl has finally returned home,"

John's cheery voice greets me as soon as I walk through the front door of his home. I smile, dropping the small duffel bag, and run into his waiting arms.

His laugh echoes through the house as he hugs me.

"I missed you, John," I whisper into his chest, tightening my hand around his middle.
