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I end up shopping more than I intend to. But it's always the story whenever I go shopping.

I wheeled my cart to the counter, and the cashier took out a bunch of paper bags, stuffing my groceries into it. She gives me my bill, and I pay with my card.

I try to balance the heavy paper bags in my hands as I leave the store. I unlock the car and dump the bags in the back seat, getting into the car.

I drive out of the parking lot, heading home.

I am almost a few blocks from the house when my car suddenly stops moving. I furrow my brows, getting out of the car to check what's wrong with it.

I open the bonnet, and it soon dawn on me that I don't know what or where to check in the car. I sigh in frustration, digging my fingers into my hair. I yell out in frustration.

"Oh, come on! You stupid car!" I shout, throwing my hands in the air in frustration. I took off one of my ballet flats, hitting it on where I presume to be its engine.

"God!" I sigh.

I slam it shut, heading into the car to fetch my phone. Then, it hit me. It's only my purse that I took when I left the house. I didn't take my phone.

My eyes look around the quiet neighborhood, fear creeping into me. I shudder, resigning to walk the rest of the distance. I am only several blocks away from home. I can walk the remaining distance.

I just have to find a way to balance the paper bags in my hands. I retrieve the bags from the backseat, alongside my purse. I lock the car with the keys and start walking home.

I quicken my steps when I realize I am approaching an alley. The hair on my nape stands erect in fear. My heart lurches to my throat when I hear some catcalls.

"Hey, pretty thing!"

I stop walking, and my eyes dart to my left. They land on two guys strolling out of the alley, sporting sinister smirks on their faces.

Oh, God. This isn't good.

I don't answer them. I continue walking.

"Don't be such a prude!" It all happened so fast. One minute I am trying to get away from them, and then the next, one of them grabs my arm. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach.

The bags in my hands drop to the floor.

"Let me go!" I screech.

"She's a gorgeous one," The other man snickers.

"Please, just leave me alone!"

"We just want to talk to you, no pressure." His hand brushes my arm, and I scream, tears filling my eyes.

The screeching of tires was what I heard next. I squeeze my eyes shut, my heart hammering against my chest. The loud slam of a door accompanies it, but I am too shaken up to open my eyes.

"Lurking around the neighborhood at night is one thing; harassing a woman is another!" The all-too-familiar voice bellows, causing my eyes to snap open.

My gaze anchors on a familiar pair of green eyes, which were very cold. They are narrowed in slits at my assaulters.

"Stay out of this, man." The other man frowns.

He strides forward, his muscular figure looming closer.

"What did you just say?" Michael’s voice is daring and cold.

"Let's just go. She's not that pretty anyways." The guy who was holding my arm says and lets me go. He kicks my bag and dashes off with his friend. I am left alone with him.

I breathe, shaking, suddenly feeling cold.
