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It was the same way two and a half years ago, but now it’s more complicated.

I had no idea she was John's niece and that John raised her as his own daughter then. If I had known, I would have never slept with her.

The sex we had was probably the best sex I had in my life. She ruined me for other women, and I was never the same after the night with her. It was like she used some spell on me. I suddenly craved her, like an addict to ecstasy.

When I returned to the hotel room and didn't find her there anymore, I looked for Serena all over Milan. I had to give up when my business trip to Milan was over, but I still wanted her even after that.

I still want her.

But now, there are so many gray areas. I can't have the same feelings for Serena anymore. She is now completely off limits, and wanting her is simply a suicide mission. That’s what makes this a whole lot more complicated.

The best thing I can do is to avoid her just as she has chosen to avoid me. It should be easy because she doesn’t want me anyways.

All I know is that I must stay away from her, and it would be best to pretend we never knew each other for John's sake. The last thing I want is for Serena to feel bothered by me and for me to ruin the relationships Serena and I have with John.

Unfortunately, my plan to avoid her doesn’t last long…

"You called?" I say as I walk into John's office, shutting the door behind me. He looks up from his laptop.

"Ah, Michael," He beckons me to come closer. I walk over to one of the visitor’s chairs by John’s desk, flipping open my blazer before sitting down.

"What's up?" I ask him. He smiles, turning his laptop around for me to see. I smile as soon as I see the screen.

"Your ideas on how to make our hotels and resorts unique have been working," John says. "Our stakes have gone over the roof, and I've been getting calls from several investors. You, my man, are a genius!"

He leans over to pat my shoulder, and we laugh.

In this partnership, John focuses on executing the ideas that I come up with. He wants to ensure that the ideas we agreed on become a reality and our company becomes a global sensation.

I do my work remotely most of the time to develop ideas, and John brings them to the spotlight. But we work side by side as an unstoppable team when it's time for both of us to be at the forefront.

"You said it," I shrug, feigning modesty. "I'm your go-to guy when coming up with ideas. I'm glad everything worked in our favor, and Jade Mountain Rodriguez is going to lose. Rodriguez Group won't know what hit them."

"You've got that right!" He agrees. "But that's not the only reason why I called you here,"

My brows furrowed, urging John to go on.

"Since our business is booming," John begins. "I've been thinking about where we should expand to next. Let's focus on some new countries with great tourism potential that we have never touched."

"I agree," I nod. "What countries were you thinking of?"

"Well, first on my list is Brazil," John says. "It's a huge country with a lot of potential for growth in the tourism industry. Plus, they're hosting a few world events in a couple of years, so many visitors will be coming in."

"That's a good point," I agree immediately, my mind buzzing with lucrative ideas. "And there's also the Amazon rainforest and the beaches. Our guests can enjoy both nature and luxury resorts."

"Exactly," John snaps his finger. "Another country that has a lot of potential is Thailand. It's a popular tourist destination with beautiful beaches and rich culture. Plus, the cost of living is relatively low, so we could save money on labor costs."

"That's a good idea," I smile. "We could also offer wellness and spa retreats. They are becoming increasingly popular."

"Great idea," He smiles back. "And lastly, I think we should consider expanding to Spain. It's a popular destination for Europeans with rich culture and history. Plus, we could offer luxury resorts along the Mediterranean coastline."

"I like that idea," I lean back against the seat. "We could also offer cultural tours and experiences, like wine tastings and flamenco dancing."

"I like the way you are thinking," John says. "Do you have any more suggestions?" He asks me.

I think for a bit.

"Now that you mention it," I lean against the table. "I've also been researching some potential countries for us to expand our hotel and resort business. Countries that will have the economic capacity to aid us."
