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"–She told me she almost got harassed by a couple of men when her car suddenly broke down in the middle of the road. Thank God for the kind stranger that helped her out."

"Oh," is all I can say.

"Look, Michael. You know I wouldn't ask you if I had any other option. But I can't leave Serena alone now, and you are the only one I can trust with this. Please, help me." He begs.

I can see the desperation in his eyes, and I know I will have difficulty saying no. John has always been a good friend, and I hate to disappoint him.

"Okay," I say finally. "I'll watch Serena for you."

John's face lights up, and he doesn’t stop thanking me. I try to push my reservations to the back of my mind and focus on the task. I know I have a difficult road ahead, but I'm determined to make it work.

But why do I feel like I just signed my death warrant?

Chapter 7




I walk out of John's study, hoping that he will accept my answer, but I immediately know that he wants to change my mind when I hear his footsteps behind me.

John is asking me to spend a month with Michael while he is on a business trip, and I'm not happy about it. I can't even believe he'd suggest something like that.

Okay, maybe if John knew my history with Michael, he would not be suggesting this arrangement with Michael…

I don't think things will get better between Michael and me after our last encounter when my car broke down. What John is requesting now will only complicate things further between us.

"Serena, come on! Don't be like this," John tries to appease me, still following behind me as we get to the living room.

"This is not as hard as you are making it seem." He adds.

I turn around to look at him as we enter the kitchen area.

"You are the one who is making this harder than it is," I counter him with a casual shrug, trying to look as carefree as possible so that he won't suspect that there's more to my refusal.

"My answer is simple," I tell him. "I don't want to stay with your friend while you are away. That's it." I fold my arms across my chest.

My uncle sighs.

"It's only for a month, Serena," He explains as if that would be enough reason for me to change my mind on the spot.

"He is staying back to oversee the company's affairs while I'm on the trip. And I think keeping each other company would be good for you both."

That sounds so wrong in my head. I swallow.

"Jeremy is still around," I tell John, trying to joke around, but he is not smiling.

"Serena, be serious," He says, and I roll my eyes. "Besides, I'm giving Jeremy the time off since I won't need him here or abroad. He should be with his family, and I need you to be safe. Michael is the only one I trust to care for you while I'm away."

"But I am safe." I defend, biting back the frustration building in me. I lean back against the counter.

"And I can take care of myself, thank you very much. I was alone in Milan for three years, John, remember? I'm sure I can manage without you for one month. I don't need Michael to babysit me."

John's eyes narrow slightly. "Serena, do you remember what happened a few weeks ago when you were harassed and almost got mugged on your way home from shopping? Do you want something like that to happen again?"

My heart sinks at the memory. I had tried to brush it off and forget about it, but now it all comes rushing back. It was awful and traumatic.
