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I sigh. "I guess we'll see."

Cassie and I talked about it a little longer before hanging up. I can't help but feel anxious about staying at Michael's house for a whole month. It will be awkward and uncomfortable, and I don't know if I can handle it.

But Cassie's words stay with me, and I try to keep an open mind. Maybe things will work out for the best. All I can do is take it one day at a time and see how things go.

I stand outside my house with John and Michael, feeling mixed emotions as I say goodbye to John. He's leaving for his month-long trip out of the country, and it's now official that I will be with Michael. I'm still not thrilled about the arrangement, but I must accept it.

John gives me a tight hug before turning to Michael. "Take care of her, Michael. And make sure she doesn't get into any trouble."

"John!" I whine.

Michael nods, a small smile on his face. "Don't worry, John. I'll make sure she stays out of trouble."

I roll my eyes at Michael's comment, feeling slightly irritated. "I can take care of myself, you know."

Michael chuckles, and I can hear the undertone of sarcasm. "Of course, you can. But it doesn't hurt to have some help."

I resist the urge to snap at him, instead opting to smile tightly because John is watching us. "Thanks, Michael. I'll keep that in mind."

John gives us one last wave before getting into his car and driving away. I watch him go, feeling a sense of loneliness wash over me.

Michael clears his throat, drawing my attention. "So, do you want some help with your suitcases?" He tries to help me carry them into his car.

I turn down his gesture, not wanting to seem weak or incapable. "I can handle it myself," I tell him bristly.

Michael shrugs, not looking too bothered. "Suit yourself."

As we get into the car, I feel the tension between Michael and me. It's uncomfortably quiet for the first few minutes, and I can't help but feel anxious. I do my best trying to hide it.

"Michael, we need to talk about ground rules," I say, breaking the silence.

"I am way ahead of you, Serena," Michael replies, not bothering to look at me.

I can feel my irritation growing. "Of course you are. So, what are the rules?"

Michael finally looks at me, his expression stern. "Serena, I'm serious. I need to ensure you're safe while you're here."

"I'm not an idiot, Michael. I know how to take care of myself," I snap back, my frustration building.

"Fine. But you still can't go out on your own, and I need to know where you're going at all times," Michael says, his tone final.

My head snaps in his direction.

"Excuse me!"

He doesn't seem affected by my outburst and continues listing off the rules he memorized.

"You cannot bring anyone to this house without my permission. You cannot leave the house after 9 pm and must be back by 10 pm. You cannot use any of the rooms except the ones I assign to you, and you cannot touch anything in the house without my permission,"

What the hell! I stare at him in disbelief.

My annoyance grows as he continues to list off more and more rules. It feels like he is treating me like a child, and starting to feel suffocating. I try to interject and counter him, but he doesn't listen.

"So, what am I supposed to do all day? Sit around and do nothing?" My voice is trembling with anger.

"You can read, watch TV, and walk in the garden. I have a library full of books and a pool in the backyard. John tells me you are still scouting for fashion industries to work; You can do that online. You won't be bored," Michael says, his tone dismissive.

I can't believe how arrogant and controlling he is. "You know what, Michael? I don't need your permission to do anything. I'm an adult, and I can make my own decisions."
