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The longing to have him by my side in the kitchen is undeniable. Still, I remind myself of the boundaries I need to set, reminding myself of the complications that could arise by being close to him.

"No, really, Michael," I hold my hand out and place it on his chest to push him back, feeling the rippling muscles of his chest beneath. "I appreciate it, but I've got everything under control. Go and freshen up."

He hesitates momentarily, his gaze lingering on me before reluctantly agreeing. "Alright, but don't hesitate to call me if you need anything. I'll be quick."

As he retreats to the bathroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts, I take a moment to reflect on the situation. There's no denying the truth—I'm falling for him, bit by bit, with every passing day. He has been showing me another side of himself that sets my heart ablaze, and it’s both intoxicating and terrifying.

But I know I shouldn't fall for him, and I better not act on these feelings.

We have a good thing going as friends, and I don't want to ruin it. We're good as friends, and our bond means the world to me. Now that we have buried the hatchet and moved on from the past, I don't want to complicate things or risk losing what we have.

Not to mention the delicate balance between me, Michael, and Uncle John. I can't afford to disrupt the relationships among us.

Yet, Michael isn't making it easy for me despite my best efforts to suppress my emotions,

His innocent yet fiery touches, the way he tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear, or listens intently as I recount my experiences at my new job—those little things really touch me.

They ignite a fire that overtakes my logical reasoning. It’s so hard to keep my emotions in check when Michael is around, and I really don’t want to hold them down.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart as Michael returns to the kitchen with his wet hair.Oh, God, he looks so sexy…His eyes meet mine, and I feel the electricity between us. The intensity of his gaze unsettles me, awakening desires I've tried so hard to suppress.

I force a smile, hoping to hide the turmoil within. "You're back. That was fast." I scrunch my brows.

"Unlike you ladies, I don't spend time in the bathroom," He chirps. I give him a look.

"Yeah. Tell that to John," I tell him. He laughs, and I join.

It's an inside joke since we both know that John spends so much time in the shower. I’d say he spends more time in the shower than any woman.

When our laugh subsides, we both stare at each other. We are so close to each other that I can feel his body heat.

Oh, God.

"Let's set the table, yeah?" I manage to say, trying to hide the turmoil within.

He nods, slightly smiling as if he senses the tension between us.

The air in the room feels charged, heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. We move around each other, our bodies occasionally brushing, sending shivers down my spine.

Michael's hand touches mine as we lay the tablecloth, causing a spark to surge through my body. I struggle to keep composure as my rational mind battles against my emotions.

He looks up, and our eyes meet... This is so much harder than I thought.

We sit across from each other at the dining table, enjoying a cozy dinner.

"So, how's work at Luxxani?" Michael asks, breaking the silence.

"It's great," I reply with a smile. "Working at Luxxani has been incredible," I say, a smile lighting up my face. "I've had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with some of the most talented individuals in the fashion industry. Some are famous actors or musicians; it's like stepping into a world of creativity and glamour every day."

"I'm happy for you," he says, looking into my eyes. "I told you you'd accomplish great things. You deserve it.

I feel a warmth spread through my chest from his words. His genuine interest in my work makes me feel valued and appreciated. I've always admired how he takes his time to truly listen to what I say. It's one of the many reasons why I feel so comfortable around him.

Michael stands up as I clear the table and follows me into the kitchen. I can't help but feel a jolt of anticipation running through me as he follows me into the kitchen.

I can feel his presence behind me, making me hyper-aware of my body. I try to focus on the dishes before me but can't help stealing glances at him.

"I can help," he says, standing beside me and reaching for a dish.
