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The fear of the unknown looms, casting a shadow over my heart. But as I lie here, my body still tingles from last night’s event.

I push aside the doubts, and I choose to embrace the present moment. Even though the path ahead may be uncertain, I’m willing to explore it with open arms, ready to see where our love takes us. For now, I am holding on to hope and silently whispering my desires to the universe for our love to blossom.

A rustling sound catches my attention as the door swings open. I turn my head to the door and see Michael walking in with a tray of breakfast delicacies. His presence instantly lit up the room.

With a flick of his leg, he kicks the door back. As our eyes meet, he smiles and sees me already smiling in anticipation. With each step he takes, my heart flutters, and I can't help but admire his gorgeous shirtless body.

"Good morning," Michael greets me with a smile.

"Morning," I respond, also with a warm smile.

Our lips meet in a gentle kiss, and the taste of his lips reminds me of the passion that ignited between us last night.

Michael settles himself beside me on the bed, and I can feel his warmth against my skin. When he places the tray between us, I see an irresistible assortment of breakfast delights, and the aromas waft through the air. I appreciate the effort he put into creating such a beautiful meal.

"It looks lovely," I remark, “Thank you. You must have put a lot of thought into this.”

The flavors explode on my tongue as I take a bite. “Mmmm… It's so good,” I say as I savor each mouthful and indulge myself.

"You truly are the best." I can't help but compliment him.

"I am, aren’t I?" Michael gives me slow teasing kisses along my neck.

The sensation sends a jolt of heat through my body, intensifying the desire for Michael and urging me to explore the pleasure we shared the night before.

He murmurs, his lips still exploring my skin, "Last night was magical."

I nod in agreement, "It truly was." I’m filled with a sense of contentment, forgetting any worries from earlier this morning.

We continue indulging in the breakfast before us, exchanging glances and affectionate touches.

As I look into Michael's eyes, I am filled with hope. Our path ahead may be uncertain, but with him by my side, I am confident we can navigate the challenges and embrace the unknown together.

I gather the courage to raise the question that has been nagging me. I turn towards Michael, searching his eyes for answers, and ask, "What should we do now?"

Michael gets confused, his brow furrowing in surprise. "What do you mean?" he inquires with a gentle voice.

Carefully choosing my words, I delicately bring up the subject that has been weighing on my heart.

"Are we... Are we in a relationship?" I ask, "Or are we just... having fun?"

Michael reacts swiftly, reaching to hold my face and assuring me, "Serena, we're not just having fun. I love you and am ready to do whatever it takes to keep our relationship.” His words comfort me.

"I love you, Serena." Michael repeats, and I am momentarily breathless before I reply in a whisper, “I love you, too, Michael.”

However, a trace of worry comes back in my mind.

"But John…" I confess my concerns about my uncle. "What if he finds out about us? He won't approve of our relationship.” I’m scared of how Michael will respond.

"Don't worry about John," Michael says with unwavering confidence. "He isn't here yet and will accept us when the time comes." He reassures me

"Look at me," He cups my face again. "We will find a way to overcome any challenges when the time comes, I promise. "

His words soothe my anxieties, and I feel a sense of relief. I trust in Michael's commitment to us at this moment. I lean into him, allowing myself to be held by him.

Sensing a shift in the atmosphere, Michael asks, "Do you want to shower together?" I respond to his mischievous smile, "I'd want nothing more."

Taking his hand, I lead Michael toward the bathroom, and the anticipation builds with each step.
