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When his figure comes into view, I furrow my brows in recognition.


"Hey, baby." He smiles, looking relieved. I take my time to assess his somewhat slouching frame and the tired look on his face. His hair is rough and sticking out in different directions, and his stubble is getting longer.

He moves closer, grabs the tons of pillows to put them under my body, and props them upward before he proceeds to help me sit up properly.

I look around the room, and it dawn on me that I am in a private hospital room.

And then, the memories come rushing back.

I discovered I was pregnant, and Cassie suggested speaking with John about the baby. The dinner with John went south, and I stormed out of the house to talk to Michael about our baby. I had been so consumed with the thoughts of breaking the news to Michael that I wasn't paying attention to the traffic light as I drove into the intersection….

I disregarded the red light, and before I knew what was happening, a car collided with mine, and everything went into shambles. The last thing I remembered was giving into the darkness, even though the thought of Michael kept me in the light as long as possible.

A thought strikes me from nowhere, jolting me back to the present.

"My baby!" I am trying to yell, but it only comes out in a hoarse whisper. I hold my tummy protectively. Michael cups my face, compelling me to look at him. My eyes are already filling up with tears.

"Our baby is fine. Our baby is safe." He assures me, smiling. He attached his forehead to mine, softly kissing my lips. A wave of relief instantly washes over me.

My baby is safe.

"I am so sorry for putting you through this." He chokes up.

It hurts me to watch him in pain.

"There's nothing to be sorry for. All that matters is that you are here now. I just really wanted to see you. I wanted to tell you about our baby," My voice is barely audible, but luckily, he can hear me since he is so close to me.

"I let my impatience get the better of me, and I put me and our child in harm's way," I sigh in frustration.

He kisses me again.

"You have no idea how happy you have made me by coming back to us…." His voice trails off, and when he says 'us,' I lift my head, look behind Michael, and find John leaning against the wall.

He can't hold my gaze for long and breaks it off quickly. I understand he feels guilty, but I don’t want John to feel that way.

Michael understands me without saying a word, and he lets me go.

I flash a smile at John, and he exhales with mixed emotions. He walks over to the bedside, pulling the empty chair to the edge of the bed.

John is hesitant, so I make the first move by shifting my body on the bed, taking his hands in mine, and squeezing them gently.

"Uh…" He chuckles painfully. "I can't even look at you without feeling guilty for what I put you through because of my selfishness."

"It was just so hard to bear the thought of you leaving me. It was tough because I have put all my efforts into giving you a better life ever since your parents died. It has morphed you into this amazing young woman that I am so proud of," He smiles at me through his tears, expressing his admiration for me.

I chuckle.

"When I found out about you two, it felt like he was stealing you away. I didn't like it. I didn't even want it. I let my selfishness get the better of me. I should never have made you choose, Serena." He shakes his head in disagreement.

"And because of that, I put you in harm's way and refused to see the bigger picture. Heaven knows I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had lost you." His voice is laced with anguish. His facial expression is forlorn.

I sigh.

"You have always looked out for me, John, and I appreciate it. I love you so much. Being with Michael doesn't change that. Better yet, it will bring us even closer. You have always seen Michael as family. It won't hurt if he officially becomes part of the family." I convince John, and he nods with a smile and sends Michael a smile, also.

"I am so sorry for trying to come between you two. I am very sorry." He apologizes to Michael and me.
