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"What is Michael up to?" I frown, leaning back into the seat. Cassie's words flash in my mind. "Stop acting like you don't know how far he will go for you to have the unforgettable experience."

I am starting to think Cassie might be right. I had expected the date to be at the rooftop like the last time, and I couldn't hide my shock when the driver told me we were going to the Marina.

I try to remain calm in the backseat, sighing softly. I might make myself comfortable since I do not know what Michael is up to.

The drive to the Marina took longer than I expected. In no time, the driver is pulling over at the parking lot, and a guard is already opening the car door so I can step out.

I look around the less crowded area but don't see Michael anywhere.

"This way, Ma'am," The guard's voice pulls me out of my thoughts, and I trail behind him as he leads me to the docks.

It doesn't make any sense at first, but when he leads me to the docks, my eyes drift to the luxurious yacht afar, and my jaw drops in surprise. I chuckle softly, taking in the welcoming scenery. My eyes wander around with utmost satisfaction.

The cold breeze that brushes my skin makes me shudder softly. I would have brought a coat if I knew I was coming to the seaside.

The ocean view from the yacht deck is more breathtaking than it is from the pier. I don't even realize when the guard leaves me all by myself. I am far too immersed in the sheer beauty the well-decorated deck holds under the moonlight, casting its glow on the water's surface.

It’s so peaceful out here.

The table for two that occupies the deck has a white tablecloth over it. A bouquet of red roses sits in the middle of the table, surrounded by two large candles enhancing the glow of the moonlight. The ambiance it created is so beautiful.

The smell of the beautiful rose petals spread on the floor is lovely. Delicate glass lanterns illuminate the space and give it a soft, romantic glow, highlighting the dinner. It's in perfect synchrony with the stars shining above.

I walk forward in search of Michael, but I sense his presence behind me, and it causes me to smile.

"Hey, beautiful." His deep voice comes from behind me, and I spin around to face him. He looks gorgeous wearing a navy tux over a crisp white shirt, taking my breath away.

"Hey," I mumble, suddenly so shy in his presence.

He chuckles, pulling me closer. He kisses my lips softly, and I kiss him back urgently. Oh God, my hormones. They are already controlling me to skip the dinner and get to the part where he gets me out of this dress.

"You look stunning, baby." He says in his deep voice and smiles at me. He reaches his hands below my waist, grabbing my ass softly.

"Michael," I gasp breathlessly.

"So responsive, as always." He teases me, pressing his lips against mine. The night has barely begun, but I already want us in bed naked. He knows it too, but he acts like he doesn't.

"Come on, let's get you settled down." He urges me forward, slipping his hands around my waist. He leads me to the table and pulls out a chair for me.

I take my seat, and he drops a kiss dangerously close to my cleavage before taking his seat in front of me.

"Michael, this is…." I trail off, looking around in awe.

"It's so beautiful. How did you come up with this idea?" I can't refrain from asking him. The man has a way of catching me off guard.

"I am glad you like it. I wanted to do something special for you." He says softly, brushing his thumb against my palm.

The yacht sails at a very slow speed which I find very soothing. It allows me to take in the mesmerizing sight of the sea and immerse in the sound of its gentle waves crashing against one another. It's so calming and magical.

Michael beckons the chef, and with his assistant, they troop in with trays of mouth-watering delicacies that cause me to salivate upon its arrival.

They dish our food, and I dig in without wasting any time. The thought of devouring the rack of lamb grilled to perfection with the mustard-shallot sauce is so tempting. I shredded the meat with cutleries, drizzled the sauce, and then took a forkful into my mouth.

The taste is exquisite, and I can't resist taking a few more bites. I nod in approval with every bite I take.

I am too immersed in my meal to notice Michael smiling at me. I stop eating immediately, and I blush in embarrassment.
