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"Okay, people!" I stroll into the bustling studio, clapping my hands to catch the attention of the designers, who are so immersed in their work.

It's one of our busiest weeks at the company. We have several deadlines, and more orders are coming in non-stop. It still baffles me how my company, SCD Luxe, has managed to be in the fashion industry spotlight in such a short time.

It all happened so fast, and it still feels so surreal that I run one of the most sought-after fashion design companies in the country.

The humming of the sewing machines that fill the air earlier comes to a halt, and the chattering ceases. Their attention drifts from the cutting tables scattered across the room and the clothes strewn on the mannequins that filled the room.

"Good morning, everyone." I smile at them, and they greet me. They watch me with eager smiles on their faces, and I can sense the excitement in their eyes.

They make me feel like a source of inspiration to them at times. I can hear it in their words, and I can see it in their actions. I have the best team a girl can ever ask for.

"Good morning, Ms. Durand,"

I groan, facepalming.

"You can call me Serena," I smile.

Their chuckles fill the room quickly, and I roll my eyes. My eyes dart to my assistant, Brenda, hanging by the doorframe, and I nod her over. She comes forward with my sketching pad.

"You wouldn't believe who we are styling next!" I squeal like a little girl.

"Iris Thompson?"

"Margaret Wells?"

"Riley Hawthorne?"

They all call out the names of different celebrities, but none of them is correct.

With a smirk and a hair flip, I drop the bombshell. "Cora Miller!" I shriek, and the entire team goes wild with cheers. Seeing how excited they are, I can't hold back the soft chuckles.

Cora Miller is a renowned actress. The twenty-five-year-old rose to stardom at the early age of sixteen and has been in the spotlight since then. She is Hollywood's highest-paid actress and is among the top five influential celebrities in the world, in the Forbes magazine.

"Oh, my God!"

"The Cora Miller?"

"This is huge!"

"I know. I know." I grin.

"And…, the more reason why we have to bring our A-game into this work is that this is not just any dress," I pause, examining their faces.

"She's wearing this dress to the red carpet of the Vevee Awards," I add, and their eyes were nearly bulging out of their sockets.

"Cora Miller, in a few words, is the perfect definition of stylish and distinct. We have to bring that to life. She doesn't just want to wear a dress. She wants to look stylish in a creative dress that sets her apart from anyone else. Let's help her set the trend." I stare back at them, hoping they get my message, and they nod eagerly.

'Yes' echoes throughout the room.

"I sketched what she would be wearing, according to what suits her personality the most." I wave the sketchpad in the air, and Brenda steps forward with photocopies of my sketch.

After the copies are distributed, they browse through them while I shift my weight on my other foot, supporting my bump with my hand on my belly.

Their faces light up with smiles, and they can’t hide their excitement after seeing the sketch.

"It's so beautiful."

"It looks so elegant."
