Page 3 of One Big Secret

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"We can make arrangements for you to finish from home, Amy. Don't forget. Your dad has friends at the university. In fact, I think he's reaching out to the business school dean today."

"Mum, I'm famished. We can discuss this later. How's Papa feeling?"

As I quietly observed the mother and daughter, who bore a striking resemblance to each other, digging into their lasagna, an eerie sense I had stepped into a surreal time warp took control of my senses. Clearly, Amy wasn't critically injured, and Guy and Chase had been right to some degree. I felt trapped and bewildered. Pulling out my phone, I texted my Uber driver, who had dropped me off, to take me to my chalet. "Feel better soon, Amy," I said over my shoulder and reached for the door.

As we neared my property, climbing a steep hill with a sharp bend in the road, my driver halted abruptly. The reason was immediately apparent — my chalet was encased in vivid yellow tape emblazoned with FBI CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS.



Three Months Later

The breezeof change rustled through the air on this momentous graduation day. A blend of tranquility and anticipation swirled around me while I waited backstage at the open-air auditorium for my name to be announced. I held onto the hope that my life was about to embark on a more favorable path. Heaven knows I was in dire need of a reprieve after the last few months had tested my limits and beyond.

"Amy Elana Russo!"

With a deep, steadying breath, I stepped out onto the stage. The click-clack of my high heels on the wooden planks echoed the rhythm of my pounding heart, a mixture of pride for reaching this milestone and trepidation for the future. As the dean offered his congratulations, his handshake barely registered. Despite the ever-present anxiety hovering nearby, nothing could overshadow the magnificence of this moment!

Defying my father's wishes, I had returned to San Diego just a month after the attack. My determination carried me through as I worked tirelessly to achieve my goals, finishing all my exams within that time.

Today, I stood tall as an MBA graduate! My professors were extraordinary, providing unwavering support and accommodating me through Zoom meetings. Their assistance was invaluable in helping me reach this incredible milestone. Thankfully, my father's heart condition was manageable with medication. We eventually closed our family home near Vail, not far from Mitch's chalet, and my parents rented an opulent apartment by the beach to maintain a watchful presence.

Even before graduation, I attempted to line up pre-interviews for a new job. Papa had made it clear that he expected me to repay my college loan. However, as much as I yearned to land a position that would make him proud and grant me independence, my crippling anxiety always led me to cancel my appointments. I recognized the need for another step forward but felt overwhelmed by the prospect of venturing beyond my safe haven. "Now, go out there and make your mark," Papa had urged. But how could I secure a job? The thought of returning home and joining the family's ski equipment business, which had been in our bloodline for generations, did not appeal to me.

Scanning the crowd, I beamed at Ariel and Meagan's exuberant cheers. My gaze drifted to the empty seat where Mitch should have been, right beside them. Although his absence tugged at my heartstrings, I understood his hesitance to face my parents.

Despite missing Mitch, Ariel, and Meagan had become like family, particularly in the wake of the kidnapping ordeal. Even with their busy lives—Meagan attending to her twins, Lilly and Liam, and Ariel's son Jonathan, whom I used to babysit, taking his first steps—they had shown up for me today. As much as my parents could be challenging, I deeply valued their love and devotion. However, living under the same roof for an extended period was beginning to wear on me.

Descending the steps, my breath caught as I spotted Mitch nearby, looking dashing in his suit, a warm smile lighting up his face. He shot me a reassuring wink.

Mitch had come to see me graduate!

Grinning, I knew at that moment it was the best graduation gift I could have received, especially considering my parents' feelings about him. "Congratulations, Amy! You did it!" he cheered, pumping his fist in the air.

"Thanks!" I responded to all my friends gathering around me.

As I looked upon the faces of those who had been by my side through the highs and lows, my heart overflowed with happiness and pride. However, my emotions shifted gears as my parents approached, and my pulse quickened with apprehension, fearing the tension Mitch's presence might ignite.

My mother, tears streaming down her cheeks, enveloped me in a tight embrace, whispering, "I'm so proud of you. You've achieved so much, and I couldn't be happier for you."

My father stepped forward; his deep voice laden with emotion. "Amy," he started gruffly before breaking into a smile. "You never cease to amaze us all—well done, my beautiful daughter!"

Over my shoulder, I caught Meagan nervously biting her lip as my parents moved to greet my friends. Ariel and Meagan had shared their worries that my parents would lump them together with Mitch, blaming them for the kidnapping due to their status as Rosedale wives. Soon enough, though, their expressions morphed from anxiety to genuine appreciation and respect when Mum and Papa introduced themselves.

"Hello, sweet girls! We're Elana and Giuseppe Russo—you can call us Mum and Papa if that's okay with you," Mum exclaimed. Before Ariel and Meagan could even react to the warm welcome, they were swept into an endearing embrace by Mum, while Papa greeted them heartily, treating them as if they were already part of the family—barely acknowledging Mitch.

My stomach twisted at the blatant exclusion of my friend Mitch. It wasn't his fault what had happened to me, and Rosedale Tech—where he was a co-owner—had been exceedingly generous by providing me with round-the-clock security. Why were they so cold toward him?

"Come, come," Mum gestured toward the parking lot. "We have reservations at Bella Vita, just a short distance away." She looked at me tenderly, her eyes conveying all her love and pride for my achievement, as she and Papa turned their backs to Mitch.

Feeling a bit claustrophobic and bewildered, I fanned my face. "Mum, you and Papa are being rude. Mitch is my friend too." Mum looked down somewhat abashed.

"He’s responsible!” Papa growled.

When I glanced back at Mitch, he offered a quick wink and strolled away.

Sensing the unease, Ariel softly squeezed my hand and whispered, "Let's defuse the tension. We'll have dinner with your parents. Mitch’ll be fine. He'd probably feel uncomfortable anyway. What do you say?"
