Page 48 of One Big Secret

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He chuckled, shaking his head. "You know, calling me Mr. Stratford makes me feel old. Let's start over. You call me Chase when you come back to work?"

Courtney laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, wow, that really sweetens the pot. But… I'm so excited to be starting my first semester at the community college back home."

"That sounds awesome," Chase replied. "I remember continuing your education has always been your dream."

Courtney grinned. "If it doesn't work out. My friends at Rosedale will be the first to know!"

“We may need you, at least, to work remotely if you can. The lawsuit on the Golden Key Project is set for another hearing before the judge in the next months. Since you were a part of the research for the grant application, your help would be much appreciated,” Chase explained.

“You know I will help anyway I can!”

As Courtney talked to Chase, I saw Agent Downing drinking alone at the bar. I approached him, hoping to chat and learn about the investigation.

"Agent Downing, how's it going?" I asked, extending a hand to shake his.

"Brad," he said warmly, clasping my hand firmly. "It's good to see you. Congratulations to the bride and groom."

"It's definitely an unforgettable day.'"

After some small talk, I couldn't help but bring up the case. "So, any updates on the investigation? I know today is a happy occasion, but I'm just curious."

Downing glanced around, making sure no one was in earshot and then leaned in. "To be honest, I didn't want to bring it up and spoil the wedding for Amy and Mitch, but we've found a significant lead. Alex's DNA matches the sample found in Mitch's Vail chalet. It was also left inside Chelsea's car – the person who kidnapped Meagan. So, he is definitely our guy. We just need to tie up some loose ends."

"Wow, that makes me feel better since we let our security details go."

While Agent Downing and I conversed, I noticed Courtney was enjoying socializing with the wedding guests, mainly her friends and those she used to work with. Afterward, we sat with Daniel, Sicily, and Ryder at a table, sharing humorous stories and discussing our experiences. We felt grateful for the love and encouragement that surrounded us, although I still harbored some uncertainties. Despite that, we reveled in the festivities of this momentous day.

"So, Courtney," Ryder said with a grin, "I heard you're back in town. What brings you here?"

Courtney smiled. "I couldn't miss Amy and Mitch's wedding and wanted to surprise everyone. Brad and I were also thinking of taking a little trip to Yosemite to camp for a few days before starting my college classes."

Sicily's eyes lit up. "That sounds lovely! It's been ages since Daniel and I went camping. You two will have a great time."

After Sicily mentioned the camping trip, she leaned closer to Courtney and shared a fond memory. "You know, I used to camp in Yosemite with my parents as a kid. It's beautiful, and you can do many things there."

"Really?" Courtney asked, genuinely interested. "What do you suggest we shouldn't miss while we're there?"

Sicily thought for a moment before answering. "Well, if you're up for a bit of a hike, you should definitely check out the Mist Trail. It takes you past Vernal and Nevada Falls. The views are breathtaking, especially in the early morning."

Courtney's eyes sparkled with excitement. "That sounds amazing! I've always wanted to see those waterfalls.”

I chimed in, "Wow, Sicily, you're making me even more excited for this trip. I can't wait to explore Yosemite with Courtney."

Courtney smiled at me, her eyes shining with anticipation. "It's going to be an adventure, that's for sure."

Daniel nodded. "Just be careful out there. You never know what you might run into."

Courtney laughed. "I think we'll manage. After all, Brad here has already faced down a wild bear."

Ryder chuckled. "That's a story I'd love to hear sometime."

After Amy and Mitch were whisked away for their honeymoon, Courtney and I were eager to leave for our own trip. We quickly said goodbye to our friends and promised to catch up with them after our adventure. “I’ll see you in a week!" I shouted as Courtney and I rushed away.

Then turning to Courtney, I grinned, "I can't wait for our Yosemite trip. Just imagine it – us, surrounded by nature, with no interruptions — this time. We'll finally have quality time together."

Courtney's eyes lit up, and responded playfully, "Oh, definitely! And you know what, Brad? I'm really looking forward to seeing you try to put up a tent again. The last time it was in the rain!"

Chuckling, I rolled my eyes. “Not the image I was hoping for. But, hey, just for the record, I’ll probably need your help to start a proper campfire. I don’t think Uber Eats delivers to Vernal Falls.”

She giggled, teasing, "Deal! But only if you promise to make the best s'mores I've ever had."

Raising an eyebrow, I replied, "Challenge accepted. Just wait and see. You'll be asking for my secret s'mores recipe."

Courtney leaned in, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "It's a date, then. Can't wait to make some unforgettable memories with you, Brad."

“Unforgettable, indeed!”

* * *
