Page 1 of One Big Lie

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"Come on,Court! We don't want to miss the sunrise!" Brad called out, his voice full of excitement as he shot me a smoldering look with a devilish grin. "Trust me, it's going to be unforgettable."

I picked up my pace, my heart pounding with anticipation. "Alright, alright! I'm hurrying!" I replied, my breath hitching as I caught up to him. "You're right. We can't miss it. The perfect climax to our adventure, right?"

"Absolutely," he agreed, his eyes simmering with desire. "And I can't think of anyone I'd rather share it with than you."

The predawn sky was visible with a touch of warm light above the horizon when Brad and I started hiking the Mist Trail. The breathtaking views of Vernal and Nevada Falls awaited us, and we were eager to make the most of our last day in Yosemite National Park.

We left early so that we could catch the sun's first rays lighting up the canyon walls. With every step, I felt my heart race, and it wasn't just from the strenuous climb. We had known each other for several months by now, but our trip had intensified our relationship. It was as if our souls were already entangled in a passionate dance.

I watched as Brad paused to take in the beauty around us, his undeniable allure and magnetic personality drew me in. The way the morning light caressed his face, emphasizing his strong jawline and sculpted features, made it impossible to look away. His eyes, the color of the deep blue sky, gleamed with a sense of adventure that made my heart race.

As we began our ascent, the trail was cool and damp beneath our feet, remnants of the previous night's rain. The early morning air was crisp, invigorating, and filled with the scent of wet earth and pine. I inhaled deeply, savoring the moment, feeling more alive than I had in years.

The sound of our footsteps and the steady rhythm of our breathing harmonized with the symphony of birdsong around us. The world seemed to come alive as the sun continued to rise, casting a golden glow on the granite cliffs and painting the landscape with vibrant hues. The splendor of Yosemite was like an aphrodisiac for my soul, and experiencing it with Brad made it all the more intoxicating.

Our laughter echoed off the cliffs as we flirted and teased each other. Our friendship had evolved into something more sensual. The connection between us was palpable, electric, like a current that ran from his hand to mine whenever our fingers brushed against each other. Every touch, every smile, and every shared glance conveyed the depth of our desires for one another.

"So, which part of our trip has been your favorite so far?" I asked, my gaze lingering on Brad as the sky began to ignite. His handsome face was flushed from the hike, but his smile was wickedly enticing.

He pretended to ponder for a moment, then flashed me a playful grin. "Honestly? I think it was the first night you epically failed in the art of campfire lighting, especially after assuring me you were an expert. I'm never going to let you live that down, Courtney."

I laughed, recalling the memory. "Well, you have to admit, it was pretty hilarious. Plus, it was the perfect icebreaker. I don't think we've stopped talking since."

Brad chuckled, nodding in agreement. "You're right about that. We've had some pretty amazing conversations, and I perfected my gourmet recipe for s'mores. Remember when we were debating the best way to roast marshmallows, and you were so convinced that your technique was superior?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. "As if you didn't end up agreeing with me once you tried it for yourself!"

He laughed, admitting defeat. "Okay, you got me there. Your marshmallow-roasting skills are unparalleled, and I'll never doubt you again."

We continued to banter, reminiscing about the highlights of our trip, from stargazing under the vast night sky to discovering hidden meadows filled with wildflowers. Finally, we recalled our fly fishing adventure. Albeit we didn't catch a single fish, the experience created the perfect atmosphere for a lasting friendship. During that memorable day, I had enthusiastically cast my fly rod, only to get my fly tangled in my hair. We had burst into laughter, unable to contain ourselves.

"Looks like you caught something, but it's not a fish!" Brad had teased, grinning wickedly as he tenderly tried to untangle the fly.

I made a pouty face but couldn't help laughing too. "Well, at least I'm not the one who almost fell into the river while trying to reel in that massive, imaginary fish of yours!"

"Hey, that fish was real, I swear!" Brad defended himself, chuckling. "It just had some kind of magical disappearing powers!"

With each shared memory, I felt my heart swell, grateful for the time we'd spent together and the bond we'd formed.

As we pushed forward, our laughter grew quieter, the trail more challenging. But the thought of the stunning views ahead–and the possibility of stolen kisses–spurred us on. At one point, we came across a group of deer grazing by the trail. We paused to watch them, struck by the serenity of the moment.

In the shared silence, I felt a warmth spread through my chest as if an invisible thread was weaving its way between Brad and me, drawing us closer. Since our trip was drawing to a close, I tried to push the pang of sadness that invaded my senses out of my mind, yet somewhere in the recesses, it lingered.

As we neared the top, the mist from the falls enveloped us, its cool, refreshing touch was invigorating. We could hear the thunderous roar of the water, and as we rounded the final bend, the sight that awaited us took our breath away. Vernal Falls was a stunning cascade of water, plunging hundreds of feet into the churning pool below.

"Wow," Brad whispered, his eyes wide with awe. "This is incredible."

I nodded, unable to find words to express my amazement. We stood there for a few moments, hand in hand, watching the water rush over the edge, feeling the spray on our faces.

Reluctantly, we tore our gaze away from our surroundings and continued our trek to Nevada Falls. The climb was more challenging, the trail steeper and rockier, but we pressed on, determined to reach our goal. During our breaks to catch our breath, our conversation turned to our lives outside of Yosemite and the anticipation of new beginnings.

"I can't believe you're going back to school, Courtney. That's such a big step," Brad said, his tone a mix of admiration and longing. "I'm really going to miss you."

I felt a lump in my throat at his words but managed to keep my voice steady. "I'm going to miss you too, Brad, but I know this is something I need to do. I've always dreamed of going to college and finally have the chance."
