Page 48 of One Big Lie

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Every smile, every shared glance was a chapter in the vibrant epic we had woven together, a saga that had found its crescendo in this grand celebration. A crescendo underscored by the lively melodies of a bluegrass band, their instruments harmonizing in a nostalgic rendition of 'Foggy Mountain Breakdown.'

"Shall we dance, cowgirl?" Brad playfully challenged, his eyes twinkling with mischief and joy.

A familiar warmth spread through my chest at his endearing teasing. Meeting his outstretched hand with a firm grip, I allowed myself to be led onto the makeshift dance floor. The world around us seemed to blur, leaving only the two of us swaying in rhythm with the melodic strumming of the banjo and the charming, rustic twang of the fiddle.

In the periphery of my vision, I noticed Giuseppe, Elana, Downing, Martha, Daddy and Jedediah swaying to the music, their hands clapping in rhythm with the jubilant strumming of the banjo. Their smiles and laughter added to the symphony of joy reverberating throughout the lodge.

The evening reached its zenith as Brad, always the performer, took center stage. A hush fell upon the crowd, all eyes turning to him as he cleared his throat, a roguish smile playing on his lips.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" He called, his voice bold. The twinkle in his eyes mirrored the warmth in his voice, a testament to the love he held for this motley crew of friends.

"We're deeply touched by this wonderful gathering, by the laughter, the stories, the dances, and most of all, by the love we've shared in this room tonight," he began, his gaze sweeping across the crowd, pausing momentarily on each familiar face.

"But as the saying goes, 'All good things must come to an end.' Well, at least for tonight." Brad's tone was light, yet his words stirred a poignant silence. He glanced over his shoulder at me. I nodded, sharing his sentiment.

"It's time for us, the newlyweds, to bid you adieu. As you might have guessed, we have some...honeymoon activities to attend to." He winked broadly, inciting an uproar of laughter and applause. Brad's hand found mine, and he gently squeezed it, eliciting a radiant smile from me.

"Goodnight, everyone!"
