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"If you don't mind getting her. I'll take a quick shower."

As Mitch disappeared into the bathroom, I entered Ava's room and gently lifted her from her crib, soothing her with hushed whispers. Once she was content in my arms, I made my way to the kitchen to prepare her bottle. With precision, I measured the formula and water, ensuring the perfect temperature, while Ava's wide-eyed curiosity followed my every move.

Settling into a kitchen chair, I cradled Ava on my lap and swayed gently as she eagerly drank from her bottle. "You were a hungry girl, weren't you? I think you've been starving on that nasty old formula, right?" I playfully teased, planting a kiss on her forehead before positioning her in the highchair.

Instantly, Ava grasped her baby spoon and banged it against the tray, her laughter like music in the air. "You're a little musician, aren't you?" I cooed, tickling her rosy cheeks.

As Ava continued her impromptu concert, I brewed a fresh pot of coffee for Mitch. The rich scent mingled with the melodious sounds of Ava's laughter and her spoon against the tray. The anticipation of the day ahead settled in my chest, a blend of responsibility and anxiety, as I realized I'd soon have Ava all to myself.

The shower's hum died down, indicating Mitch was nearly ready. With a warm smile, I poured him a steaming cup of coffee and placed it on the counter, eagerly awaiting the day's adventures.

As Ava frolicked joyously, Mitch materialized from the bathroom, pristine and invigorated, a towel secured around his waist. He sipped my freshly brewed coffee with gratitude and flashed a roguish grin, "I'm already being pampered. You're my savior," he declared, ruffling his damp locks.

"No problem," I responded, a blend of pride and embarrassment warming my cheeks.

With Ava preoccupied, I assembled our morning meal—golden-toasted bagels and fluffy scrambled eggs. Apprehensively, I stole glances at Mitch, now clothed, as he scrolled through his phone, then seized a bagel and made for the exit.

"Oh, I nearly overlooked this. Here's a house key and the remote for the gate. Remember to close it if you step out," Mitch instructed, depositing them on the table.

"And the security? Anything I need to do to shield us from the Rosedale curse?"

"It's certainly morphed into a hex. Anyway, there's nothing you have to manage. The security firm remotely handles everything. I'll provide them your phone number once I reach work."

After Mitch pressed a tender kiss to Ava's forehead and grazed my cheek, he departed. It was time to serve Ava her cereal, and I encountered my initial hurdle. Ava adamantly clamped her mouth shut, recoiling from the proffered spoon. My gentle, coaxing, and whimsical faces proved futile. Somewhat dispirited, I turned to Google for counsel but unearthed no novel tactics I hadn't already employed. I tried reaching Mitch for assistance, but his phone rang briefly before cutting to voicemail. Noting the hour, I realized he was immersed in a meeting and didn't wish to intrude. Sighing, I conceded that I had to tackle this challenge solo.

Inhaling deeply, I opted for a novel strategy. I blended some mashed banana into the cereal, hoping the sweetness would captivate Ava. To my delight, her eyes sparkled at the sight of her beloved fruit, and she ultimately welcomed a spoonful. Relief washed over me as she gleefully devoured the remainder of her breakfast.

Craving fresh air and a change of scenery, I decided to take Ava for a seaside stroll. After tidying her up and adorning her in a sunhat and breezy attire, I secured her into her stroller and embarked on our adventure.

The sun beamed down with fervor as we sauntered along the sidewalk adjacent to the coastline. The ocean's breath playfully ruffled my hair, while the rhythmic melody of waves crashing against the shore created a soothing ambiance. Ava cooed and chattered energetically, her bright eyes absorbing the vivid surroundings.

As we ambled on, I felt the tug to grab my phone and dial my mother for advice and solace. But each time, trepidation and uncertainty held me back. I wasn't ready to unveil my new life to my family just yet. So, I decided to focus on the allure of the present moment. Nevertheless, my gaze was soon hijacked by a pack of cyclists advancing on a nearby bike trail, visible from my peripheral vision.

As they closed in, one rider, a man sporting a baseball cap instead of a helmet, veered off from the group and made a beeline for Ava and me. My heart pounded, and I froze as I took in his ominous, twisted smile. He halted right before Ava's stroller and drawled, "Looks like those chickens hatched after all."

Fear cascaded through me, and I let out a scream. Ava, jarred by the uproar, started to wail. "Get away from us!" I hollered, lunging to scoop Ava up, frantic to protect her from this possible menace. But the man merely cycled away, his laughter taunting us like a sinister lullaby.

My hands quivered as I fumbled for my phone, urgently dialing Mitch's number to alert him that the kidnapper had resurfaced.

The phone rang once, twice, then thrice before Mitch finally answered. "Hey, Amy, what's up?" he inquired, his tone easygoing and oblivious.

"Mitch," I stammered, my voice trembling, "he's back. The kidnapper just materialized out of nowhere and... and he saw Ava."

Mitch's demeanor shifted instantly, concern seeping through. "What? Where are you right now? Are you safe?"

I scanned my surroundings, my heart drumming in my chest. "I think so. We're by the gazebo on the beach, a few blocks from home. He didn't try to snatch her or anything. He just... said, 'looks like those chickens hatched after all,' and then pedaled away."

A brief silence ensued on the other end before Mitch inhaled deeply. "Okay, listen closely. Stay put. Head to the gazebo and stick around people. I'll contact the police and be there as quickly as I can. Don't engage with anyone and keep a watchful eye on Ava."

I nodded, despite him being unable to see me. "Okay, okay. Please hurry!"

"I will. Just remain composed and hold Ava tight. I'll be there soon." The call concluded, leaving me with my pulse racing and my eyes darting around the park, hunting for any indication of peril.

As I cradled Ava against me, the intensity of our situation settled heavily upon me. It felt as though history had resurfaced in a cruel twist of fate—the Rosedale curse now entangled with the life of an innocent baby. Abandoning the stroller on the sidewalk, I shifted Ava onto my hip, making my way to the beachside gazebo. Each second that passed seemed to stretch into eternity as we waited for Mitch and the police to arrive.

My hands trembled relentlessly while I held Ava close, murmuring soothing words to calm her nerves, even as my own were frayed by the confrontation. Finally, the wail of a siren pierced the air, but it was Mitch's Lexus that appeared first. He raced toward us, concern etched deeply in his eyes.

"Are you both okay?" He questioned urgently, hands gripping my shoulders before he scooped Ava into his arms.
