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I chuckled, shrugging a little as I met her gaze. "Maybe a little of both," I confessed, my own smile widening at the slight blush that touched her cheeks. "But I think we could both use a break from it all, don't you?"

She nodded, a small sigh escaping her lips as she admitted, "Yeah, we could. I suggest we go horseback riding—explore the ranch."

“Ooh, sounds good," I said, patting her arm gently, glad that we were on the same page. "Let's go then."

That's how we found ourselves in the stables with Jedediah, preparing for our ride. Courtney chose a sturdy Quarter Horse named Cash, his shiny black coat glistening in the sunlight. For me, she picked a lively chestnut horse named Whiskey, a playful glint in her eyes as she introduced us.

Courtney moved with a natural ease around the horses, her ranch upbringing clear in her confident movements. She saddled Cash with practiced hands before swinging herself up into the saddle, a picture of effortless grace.

As for me, I was a little less confident. I'd ridden horses before, but it was far from second nature. Still, I didn't want Courtney to sense my apprehension. So I approached Whiskey, trying to project an air of calm I didn't entirely feel. The horse eyed me with what I imagined was skepticism as I clumsily adjusted his saddle.

With a deep breath, I hoisted myself up onto Whiskey's broad back, trying to mimic Courtney's ease. I settled into the saddle, attempting to remember the basics. Sit straight, heels down, hands steady.

Courtney shot me a smile, her eyes sparking with a blend of mischief and reassurance. Nodding back, I tried to exude a confidence that was more facade than reality. We gently nudged our horses, Whiskey and Cash, and set out into the vast expanse of the Circle T Ranch.

The rugged beauty of Cody, Wyoming, stretched out around us. Majestic mountains etched the horizon, their silhouettes stark against the clear, blue sky. Our equine companions added an earthy scent to the crisp freshness in the air, creating a striking contrast to the lush green fields of the ranch.

Courtney's soft voice carried on the breeze, weaving nostalgic tales of her childhood rides. Each word resonated against the sprawling landscape, echoing our tranquil journey through the ranch. We crested a gentle hill, and the world laid itself bare beneath us, a panoramic vista of gold and green undulating in the soft afternoon light.

Pausing at the peak, Courtney pulled Cash to a halt. Her eyes, usually so focused, now appeared lost in the infinite stretch of land before us. The breeze, carrying whispered remnants of her stories, played with her hair.

"I need to text Nanc when we get back to set up a phone call," she said, snapping back to the present. Her voice was steady, reflecting the resolve in her gaze. "I think she'd feel more comfortable speaking with me. The call won't be traced if she uses the Deli's WiFi."

I considered her suggestion. It was a calculated risk, but Courtney had always been astute. "Sounds like a plan, Court," I concurred.

A thunderous rumble echoed from a distance, prompting us to dismount near a babbling stream before starting back. Our horses drank eagerly from the clear water. Following Courtney's lead, I crouched down and cupped the cool water in my hands, savoring the refreshing taste.

"Is this water safe to drink?" I asked.

"Of course!” Courtney said, raising an eyebrow at my question about the water's purity.

I watched as she scooped another handful, letting the cool liquid run down her wrists. There was a genuineness in her actions, an intimacy with nature that was both refreshing and captivating.

"This place... it's magical, isn't it?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of the babbling stream. I found myself nodding, captivated by the raw beauty around us, magnified by her appreciation for it.

Courtney moved closer, her eyes mirroring the brilliant azure of the sky above. There was a magnetic pull between us, an irresistible force that seemed to drown out the world. Surrendering to our natural surroundings, our lips met in a lingering kiss, the taste of the mountain spring still fresh on her lips.

For a moment, everything else faded away. The world narrowed down to the woman in my arms, the taste of her lips, the warmth of her against me. The distant roll of thunder served as a soft reminder of our reality, pulling us out of the bubble we'd momentarily lost ourselves in. As we pulled apart, the storm clouds in her eyes reflected an urgency that mirrored the fast-approaching storm.

"We need to start back, Brad," she said, her voice soft yet firm. "Storms here can whip up quick."

We remounted our horses and headed back toward the ranch house, the brewing storm on our heels.

As we approached the Circle T stables, Jedediah was waiting for us with a welcoming grin. He was a weather-beaten embodiment of the old west, his hands as rough as the terrain we'd just traversed.

"I was just about to get in the truck and go searching for you. Glad you'll beat the storm," he called out, eyeing the darkening horizon with a knowing look. We dismounted quickly, my body aching slightly from the ride but invigorated by the fresh air and the natural beauty we'd taken in.

Jedediah stepped forward to help us unsaddle Cash and Whiskey, his experienced hands working deftly. As he took the reins from Courtney, she pulled out her phone, furrowing her brow in concentration.

A soft beep indicated that she had a good signal. She quickly texted the deli number etched in her memory, her fingers dancing across the screen with ease. A moment later, her phone buzzed with a reply. She shot me a triumphant look, "The manager says Nanc's at work."

Courtney quickly tapped out another message, asking the manager to have Nanc call her when she went on her break. As she pocketed her phone, a sense of relief washed over her face. For the first time that day, I saw her shoulders relax, a hopeful smile playing at her lips.

We walked inside, the warm, inviting interior of the ranch house a stark contrast to the brewing storm outside. Courtney went straight to the freezer and pulled out a couple of thick, juicy steaks. Our spirits were lifted with the promise of a hearty meal and potentially helpful information from Nanc. There was a sense of normalcy returning, albeit slowly, amidst the chaos of our situation.

Just as she set the steaks on the counter to thaw, her phone buzzed again. This time, it was a call. She glanced at me, a look of surprise flashing across her face. "It's Nanc," she mouthed, accepting the call.

"H-hello Courtney," Nanc's voice was shaky, noticeably anxious. Courtney put the call on speaker, allowing me to hear the conversation. "I can't talk long. I'm on break. You must have gotten the package..."
