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"Courtney," she greeted me, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Out for a morning stroll?"

"Yes," I replied, my eyes drifting to the beautiful flowers surrounding us. "I needed some fresh air. And maybe some advice, if you're willing."

She chuckled softly. "I'm all ears, girl. What's on your mind?"

I took a deep breath and told Ariel about my talk with Brad, his proposal, and my whirlwind of emotions. Ariel listened patiently; her eyes full of understanding. When I finished, she sighed and looked at me thoughtfully.

"Courtney," she began, her voice soft, "life has a funny way of surprising us. And when it does, it's normal to feel scared or confused. But the best advice I can give you is to listen to your heart. Sometimes, it knows things that our mind is too scared to acknowledge."

Her words resonated with me more than I expected. "But what if I'm not ready?" I asked, my voice wavering slightly.

She reached out, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Then you wait until you are," she said simply. "Don't rush into something as important as marriage. Take your time. Let your heart guide you."

I couldn't help but smile at her words. Ariel had a way of making everything seem so simple. As we continued to talk, I felt my shoulders relax. Maybe she was right. Maybe all I needed to do was listen to my heart.

"Oh, by the way. I love the loft. Thanks again for your generosity."

"I think it's perfect for you, especially when I heard you were raised on a ranch." Ariel wiped her brow on her forearm and smiled.

As I waved goodbye to Ariel, I couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of optimism. The sun was high in the sky, the day was beautiful, and for the first time since I moved here, I felt everything was going to be alright.

Returning to my loft, my heart felt lighter than it had in days. With a sense of purpose, I started unpacking my belongings from the crates and suitcases.

Even as I unpacked, my mind played out the day's events over and over again. Brad's proposal, and Ariel's advice, all swirled around in my head. Then my thoughts were interrupted by the shrill ring of my flip phone, jolting me out of my reverie.

Frowning slightly, I picked it up and glanced at the screen. Giuseppe. I breathed in deeply before accepting the call. “Good morning?”

"Courtney," his voice, though rough from years of smoking, still carried an air of authority that demanded respect. "We need to meet. Agent Downing's office. Tomorrow."

The abruptness of his words caught me off guard. "What's this about, Giuseppe?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

He let out a sigh. "We're setting up the call, Courtney. The one to Clint. Agent Downing has the means to monitor and trace the call. We need to plan it out."

A knot formed in my stomach, a sense of dread filled my gut. But I knew this was inevitable. It was the whole reason I was here. Gathering up all my courage, I replied, "Alright, Giuseppe. Tomorrow. I'll be ready.”

As the call ended, a sense of finality settled over me. The wheels were in motion now. There was no going back. Everything was finally falling into place with the call to Clint and tomorrow's meeting.

With a heavy heart, I returned to unpacking my things. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and fears, but I knew I had to stay strong. For my father, for Brad, my Rosedale friends and for myself. Tomorrow was another day that would bring me one step closer to the end of this perilous journey. And whatever it may bring, I was ready to face it, right?

Chapter Fourteen


I woke up early, earlier than I would have liked. My mind was a torrent of thoughts, mainly of Courtney and the minefield of our investigation entangled with criminal elements that we found ourselves navigating.

My flip phone vibrated on the bedside table, dragging me out of my contemplation. It was an old model, simple and devoid of any smart features, the kind of phone you'd find at the bottom of a bargain bin. But in our situation, it was a lifeline, a secure line of communication that couldn't easily be traced.

The name "Giuseppe" illuminated the small screen. The early hour of the call signaled its urgency. I picked up and heard his proposal—that we should place the call to Tyree from Downing's office this morning. He believed it would afford an additional layer of protection for Courtney.

"Yeah, okay," I found myself agreeing, my mind churning. Every extra precaution was a good thing when we were dancing on the edge of fate with Tyree.

After hanging up, I sat there for a moment, just staring at the cheap plastic device. It was almost absurd how this little piece of outdated technology had become so integral to our lives.

Suddenly I was faced with an unfamiliar quandary—what to wear? Should I go with something formal for a visit to Downing's office? Or stick to casual to avoid attracting attention? My fingers brushed against the fabric of a sleek black suit, then shifted to a simple pair of jeans and a sweater.

This indecision was unlike me. I was not the type to second-guess, but then again, I'd never been in a situation like this before. And I'd never been in love like this before, either.

After a seemingly endless debate with myself, I decided on something in between—not too formal, not too casual. Courtney had always said I looked good in blue. With that thought, I opted for a navy shirt and a pair of black chinos. Hopefully, seeing me in her favorite color would bring a smile to her face.
