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"I'm ready," she declared, her voice steady and resolute. She was not just stating a fact but affirming her readiness to herself and to us. There was no room for doubt in her words, only an unwavering commitment to face whatever lay ahead. She stood tall, her back straight, a picture of grace under pressure.

As the airport gate came into sight, Downing started unfolding the intricacies of the plan for the looming meeting with Clint. His words, crisp and to the point, painted a meticulous strategy designed with an acute understanding of Clint and his tactics. It was a blueprint for maneuvering through Clint's defenses and unearthing his secrets.

Downing turned to Courtney, his voice carrying a gravity that punctuated the silence around us. "Remember, Courtney, the goal is to pierce through Clint's veneer and discover what he's working on. He must confirm he is working with Valley Technologies to develop a new app."

His instructions clearly highlighted the risks and the cunning required to navigate this clandestine meeting. "If anything goes awry, utter the word ‘headache.' That's your cue, a signal for us to step in."

The words hung in the air as we reached the gate, the hum of the plane's engines a backdrop to the gravity of our conversation. Courtney nodded again, a determined glint in her eye.

My phone buzzed, the vibration causing me to jump slightly. I pulled it out, glancing at the message displayed on the screen. It was from Chase. The news was unexpected but not completely surprising.

"New development," I murmured, my gaze shifting to Courtney and Downing. They both paused, looking at me with anticipation. "Ms. Hawkins, the witness who contacted Vandenburg, has stepped forward before her scheduled deposition. She's the grant coordinator from Homeland Security. She's claiming that Clint Tyree bribed her assistant to ensure Valley Tech was awarded the grant after we relinquished it for Amy's ransom."

The news was met with silence, the gravity of the revelation seeming to suspend the moment. Downing's expression hardened, his analytical mind no doubt assessing the implications of this development. Courtney's hand gave mine a reassuring squeeze, her resolve unwavering.

Downing nodded, acknowledging the significance of this information. His gaze was thoughtful, the cogs in his brain visibly turning as he processed the news. "Tyree is after your patent of the Golden Key Project!"

"Bingo!" I hissed. "We need Clint to admit he needs help… And presumably, he does in earnest. The reason for wanting to hire you in the first place, Courtney!"

Downing put his hand on Courtney's shoulder, "You’ve got to confirm he has a contract with Valley Tech," he explained.

Courtney nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Yet, my focus had shifted. Courtney and I had discussed the option a month ago. With all the drama, I hadn't found the opportunity to nail down my desire to make Courtney mine. It was time to fulfill that promise I had made to myself. There was no way Courtney would come face-to-face with Tyree unless she was wearing my engagement ring on her finger. Period!

So, I pulled Downing aside while Courtney was busy texting Jenna. Curious, he raised an eyebrow as I started, "Downing, I have a favor to ask."

A momentary pause ensued, his features remaining impassive as he responded, "And what might that be, Brad?"

I drew in a breath, glancing back at Courtney, who was still busy with her phone. "I need a bit of alone time with Courtney. You see... I want to propose to her before she leaves. I've got a ring for her and everything," I added hurriedly, trying to suppress my nervousness.

Downing's eyebrow rose another notch, a flicker of surprise breaking through his usually imperturbable facade. "You're serious about this, aren't you?" he asked, looking straight into my eyes.

I nodded, unable to suppress a smile, "I've never been more serious about anything in my life."

His face broke into a grin, the sight of it strangely reassuring. "Well then, I'd better give you two some space. I'll go speak with the pilot to confirm he will come back here to pick us up after dropping off Courtney in Seattle." With that, Downing strode off, leaving me alone with Courtney.

I approached Court, who was now giggling at her phone. "What's so funny?" I asked, trying to keep my tone light despite the weight of my planned proposal.

"Jenna's making fun of my 'spy gear,'" she replied, flashing the text on her phone. It was a lighthearted jest that broke through some of the tension and provided a moment of levity amid the unfolding events.

"Speaking of spy gear," I started, reaching into my pocket, "I have something for you." I pulled out the small box, watching her expression shift from confusion to dawning realization.

"This isn't some kind of spy gadget, is it?" she asked, her voice filled with mock suspicion. The sight of her bemused grin was enough to make me laugh.

"No, it's not," I replied, popping open the box to reveal the diamond ring nestled inside. "This... this is a promise. A promise that I've been saving for months to give you."

The airport noise nearly drowned her gasp, but the shocked look on her face was priceless. "Brad," she started, but I cut her off.

"Courtney," I said, reaching out to hold her hand, "I want you to know that I'm not just committed to this mission but to you. I want to put this ring on your finger before you meet with Clint. I want you to be my wife because I love you now and always."

Her response was instant. "Oh, Brad! Yes!" she said simply, her eyes filled with tears of happiness. "I love you. I love you, Brad. I've been waiting for this day—but today? This is definitely a surprise." I slipped the ring onto her finger, the weight of my promise now resting there for all to see.

We laughed together, a moment of joy amidst the growing tension. I pulled Courtney into my arms, and we shared a passionate kiss. It was a sealing of the promise we'd just made that we would face life together no matter what it would bring.

Breaking away from the kiss, Courtney looked down at the new ring adorning her finger, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Brad," she said, her voice barely a whisper, "this ring... it's beautiful." She looked up at me, her eyes sparkling brighter than the diamond itself. "I can't wait to be your wife."
