Page 135 of We Found Love

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“Then we’re all set. You keep it calm now. Chief Blake and his officers will know what to do, and we’ll be coming at them from behind. It’s important to keep it under control even though it’s your girl in that SUV.”

“Fin, you need to let them pass you now,” Joe said into his phone. “Then drive beside the Range Rover so they’re blocked from behind.”

The ranch was close. Any second, they would be seeing the roadblock.

Soon, baby. It will be over soon.


When they’d lost Ford’s pickup, she was relieved. He’d be safe if he didn’t follow them. No one could hurt him. The SUV had slowed but was still traveling fast, though not as fast as it had been when it had sped through Ryker Falls.

“What the fuck is that?”

She looked out the windshield and saw something across the road.


“It’s a roadblock! Turn around!”

Autumn slammed into the seat in front of her as the driver hit the brakes hard.

“And go where?”

“I don’t care. Turn around! We can hide somewhere.”

“There are two cars behind us now, taking up the road!”

Getting back on the seat, she looked through the front windshield. Outside the SRR entrance, there were tractors, cars, and a helicopter on the road. Men were standing behind the vehicles, guns raised. They were there for her. To stop these men from taking her. She couldn’t quite believe all that had been put in place since she left Ryker Falls.Ford.It had to be him who’d set things in motion.

“We have her! We’ll use her to negotiate.”

“They’ll shoot us!”

“No. They want her back, so they won’t,” the man beside her said.

They sat in tense silence for several seconds while her feet were released. Then he opened the door slowly.

“Get out and stay on my left,” he said to the driver.

They climbed out, and she looked behind the car and saw Ford. He was standing with Joe and Dylan, eyes on her.

“You’re outnumbered. There is no way out of this!” someone said from the direction of the barricade. “Put your hands in the air and walk toward me slowly.”

“I’ll shoot her if you try anything!” The guy holding the gun jerked her in front of him and pressed it to her temple.

“There is nowhere for you to go. You’re surrounded!”

“That helicopter is going to get us out of here or I shoot her.”

“And you’ll be dead seconds after!” She recognized the voice as Chief Blake’s.

“What do we do?” the driver whispered.

“I’m thinking.”

“Think fast.”

“Let me go,” Autumn said.
