Page 43 of We Found Love

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He slapped the mug back on the countertop. “What’s the problem here? You people not have enough going on in your own lives? You need to find some entertainment annoying the fuck out of me?”

“You sound awful testy there. I’m just pointing out that you and Autumn are both single—”

He got off his seat and walked out of the café with Jack’s laughter following him. He climbed in his pickup and headed out of Ryker Falls, fairly sure he wouldn’t be returning anytime soon.

He found his soundtrack, then turned it up and drove with the dark settling around him. What the hell was the matter with everyone? Was there a full moon, or was Mercury in retrograde? He’d ask his mom—she knew about that stuff.

He saw the streak of fur too late. Ford hit the brakes and tried to miss it, but his bumper caught it.

“Now I’m going to have to kill it if it’s bad and, if not, take it to a vet somewhere,” he muttered. He pulled the flashlight out of the glove compartment, then took his pistol from under the seat and climbed out of the cab. The car lights didn’t show him a great deal—they were pointed away from where he heard whimpering.

Ford was no fool and knew what a wild animal could do to a person and how dangerous an injured one could be.

Turning on the flashlight, he swept it along the roadside and found the animal.Wolf, Ford thought, moving closer.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” he said as the animal whined. Dropping to his haunches a few feet away, Ford shined his flashlight on the animal.

It wasn’t big and had a dirty, shaggy gray coat.

“Hey, buddy.”

The animal whined. Ford crept closer, talking the entire time. So far it wasn’t growling.

“What are you?” The closer he got, he could tell it was a dog, not a wolf.

Stopping just out of range of the mouth, he studied it. It wasn’t growling, just whimpering.

“Hey there.” He held out a hand. Still no growling, so he moved closer. “It’s all right now. I’m real sorry my pickup hit you.”

It let out a pitiful whimper.

Ford touched its head softly, and the dog didn’t try to bite.

“Good dog,” he said as he checked the animal over. The back right side of the rump appeared hurt, but there was no blood.

“What the hell are you doing out here, away from people? Did someone throw you out of a car?” The thought made him angry, but he knew what some people were capable of. They got pets, then decided they didn’t want them anymore and simply abandoned them.

“I’m going to clean out my front seat now, and then I’ll carry you inside.”

The dog howled as he walked away.

“I’m coming back—no need to carry on like that.” Ford opened the passenger-side door and moved all the stuff on the seat to the floor. Digging around in the back, he found a blanket and laid it out. Then he went back for the dog.

“Okay, little buddy, let’s get you inside.” He bent to pick up the animal and carried it to the passenger side. It whimpered as he maneuvered it onto the seat.

He shut the door and ran around to the driver’s side, his thoughts going through what he needed to do. They had veterinary supplies at the ranch. He’d take the dog straight there and get his dad to help.

“Hang in there, bud.”

The dog dragged himself across the seat and rested his gray snout on Ford’s thigh as he drove.Well now, I’m sure that’s about to change soon.Mr. Goldhirsh’s words slipped into his head. He’d said Ford needed a dog of his own. A companion.

Running a hand over the gray head resting on his thigh, he looked down at the animal.Well hell.


“That you, son?”

“Yeah, it’s me, Dad. I hit a dog on the way home.”
