Page 93 of We Found Love

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“I’d love to know what put that color in your cheeks.”


“You said that way too quickly.”

“Everyone get in,” Luke said.

“You can tell me later,” he whispered into her ear.

She sat next to Ford on one side and Ritchie the other. He was bouncing in his seat with excitement. Luna and Nash were in front of them.

“Is this your first time in a plane, Ritchie?” Ford asked him as they taxied down the runway.

“No. I went with Mom in a plane once. Thank you for my cool truck model, Ford. I took it to school, and the kids all wanted it.”

“You’re welcome.”

She felt the pace increase and the engine noise climb. Breathing in and out slowly, she focused on the conversation between Ford and her son.

“Ritchie, are you okay if I hold your mom’s hand? I think she’s nervous. Maybe you could hold the other one.”

“Sure, she gets nervous flying but tries hard not to show it.”

“I do not.” Her words sounded weak.

She felt Ford take her hand, his warm fingers wrapping around her colder ones. From the other side, she felt Ritchie pat her hand.

“Did I tell you that I got kicked by Monica today, Ritchie?”

“Did it hurt?”

“Not too much because she has tiny hooves, but I’ll have a bruise. She got me good,” Ford said. “Nash laughed so hard he was crying.”

“Why did she kick you?” her son asked while she focused on the seat in front and gripping Ford’s hand.

“She and Kismet are still getting to know each other, and usually I pet her before anyone else, but lately I’ve been petting Kismet. She got jealous.”

“Leona Baxter gets jealous,” her son said.

“Women can be like that,” Ford said.

“I object, and who is Leona Baxter?” Autumn managed to choke out as the plane climbed into the air.

“A girl at school who wants to be as cool as Grace but isn’t.”

“Grace is pretty cool,” Ford said.

“I want to ride horses like when I grow up.”

“Then I should give you some more lessons. You probably need to learn about looking after a horse too.”

“I do need to learn that stuff.” Ritchie said.

“Maybe we can work that out when we get back to Ryker Falls.”

Ford’s thumb was running over her skin slowly. Autumn focused on that and not the rapid rise of the plane.

“I want to ride like the others,” Ritchie said.
