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“Keep your noses clean,” Uncle Asher said, making eye contact with all of them.

The brothers nodded, but no one actually verbally agreed. If Grill came at them again, they wouldn’t turn away.

“Now, back to the Birdie McAllister conversation. You rarely go to the Roll Away, and if you do, it’s never alone. One of these idiots is with you,” Uncle Asher said.

None of the idiots protested. They nodded and looked at Sawyer again who wished he was anywhere but here. He’d blackmailed Birdie to come with him and his family could never know that. They’d be shocked, hurt, and plenty of other emotions.

“Second, you wouldn’t sit in a bar and share your business. You don’t talk socially, Sawyer. Hell, boy, we don’t get that much out of you. No way would you have told Birdie McAllister you were angry about the entire town wanting you to have a date for the wedding.”

“I didn’t think of it like that,” Brody said.

“Older and wiser, boy. I’ve always said it,” Uncle Asher added.

All eyes turned back to Sawyer.

“I was pissed off, and I’d had a few. My tongue was loose.”

“Now see, that’s another two issues I have,” Uncle Asher added. “You don’t drink to the loose-tongued stage, and it never shows on your face or anywhere, for that matter, when you’re pissed off. Maybe your fists, as is evidenced by your bruises. And on that, you better not have been driving that beast of yours under the influence.”

“You’re right. He’s like Fort Knox,” Dan said. “No getting inside his head or getting information out.”

“So, what’s the deal, Sawyer? Why are you and Birdie going to the wedding together? If you tell me you fell in love and want to keep things secret, I’m going to struggle. Not because she’s unlovable, we all know different,” Uncle Asher said. “But you’ve never been seen together, and if memory serves, there’s been no meaningful conversation. Plus, there’s that number the LA bitch did on you, which you won’t share the details about.”

“What the fuck is a meaningful conversation?” Sawyer snapped.

“When you actually talk without grunting,” Ryder said. “Back and forth, with dialogue that makes sense.”

“You all need to shut up now because this discussion is over.”

Again, he was the subject of all eyes. Sawyer ignored them and headed to the kitchen. He liked to cook; it was his thing. He’d learned in LA and never stopped. It was a place where he was in complete control.

“Well, hell,” Brody said.

“He’s cooking,” Dan said.

“And really angry. Plus for us though,” Ryder said. “That face looks sore.”

“You could get in there and bake us some cupcakes like you did for Ally’s birthday, Ryde,” Dan said. “We could have those for dessert. But maybe just keep out of Sawyer’s way or you’ll have matching bruises.”

“I’m not going into his kitchen. You know how territorial he is.”

“Autumn’s going to love his face like that in her wedding photos,” Brody added.

“She won’t care. My girl just wants us there. We’re still none the wiser with what’s going on with Sawyer, but I could eat,” Uncle Asher said.

They talked about him but thankfully stayed out of his way while Sawyer cooked.

His family wanted to know why he’d asked Birdie to the wedding because they didn’t buy the story he’d put out about her being the one to suggest it.

Tough. He wasn’t talking, and Birdie sure as hell wouldn’t be, considering what he had on her.

He’d need to tell Birdie the details for their flight and when he’d be at her house. Looking at his phone, he realized he didn’t even have her number. Ryder’s cell was beside his on the bench top. He knew what his brother’s code was because he’d always used the same one. Sawyer unlocked it and scrolled through the contacts.

“You making us some of those biscuits too?” Dan called to him.

“Maybe. But you have to be good for that, and you four are shitheads, so maybe not.” Sawyer didn’t look at them. He just kept scrolling. Finding the number, he repeated it in his head and put it into his phone.

Then he got the steaks out of the fridge to grill.
