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“Stanley, I can’t help you if you’ve tied the knot too tight. See if you can wiggle it free with your other hand.”

Birdie was drinking hot chocolate while seated at her dining table. The girls would arrive soon, but there was time to take this call… or she’d thought there was time.

“I told you to loop it around your wrist loosely, Stanley.” Birdie kept her voice sultry and her French accent thick. “Because you’ve been a very naughty boy, and I want you just where I can get to you.”

The thud on the other end of the phone had her wincing.

“Stanley?” There was no reply to Birdie’s query. “Are you there?”

“I will call you back, Madame Fleur.” The cursing that followed these words had her smothering a giggle, and then the line went dead. Sighing, Birdie unplugged her answering machine. She wouldn’t be doing any more calls until Nina and Priscilla had left.

Sawyer Duke was costing her money. Money she couldn’t afford to lose. At least he hadn’t blown her cover last night at the Gray Dog.

She’d nearly fallen off her chair when the big, brooding Duke walked into that room. Birdie hadn’t known he gambled there or gambled at all, for that matter.

She’d been sure the black bean and tofu hamburger her mother had forced on her before leaving to deliver the vegan dog treats was about to make a reappearance. When she’d found the courage to look at Sawyer through her oversized, dark glasses, there had been no flicker of recognition in his eyes.

Relieved, she’d lowered her voice when she spoke and played to win. Birdie had even relaxed a little. Well, as much as she could in disguise with the harbinger of doom seated across from her. One misstep and she’d have been toast.

Sawyer had known who she was all along. He’d dragged her out of that room, then kept her safe until he could carry her out of the Gray Dog over one large, solid shoulder.

Birdie didn’t have that kind of excitement in her life. It had been thrilling while at the same time terrifying.

Her phone screen lit up with a text message from an unknown number.

Unknown: We leave Friday at five. I’ll pick you up at 3:30 pm. I’ve booked your accommodation. Sawyer.

It was one of those moments when you really wanted to just reply with a middle finger emoji because who couldn’t even say hi at the start of a message?

But she was better than that and wouldn’t stoop to his level. Besides, she had to remember what Sawyer had been like with Bobby and those bullies outside Calloway’s. He’d dealt with the entire situation without actually threatening those kids.

He’d also rescued her at the Gray Dog.

Me: I will drive to the wedding and then home. What is the location and what time?She texted him back.

On one hand, he was blackmailing her, and on the other he was playing hero to small boys. Birdie was fast concluding that Sawyer Duke was not exactly what he appeared on the outside.

Her phone screen lit up again.

Sawyer: Not happening. The drive is six hours. You can’t do there and back in a day. I’ll pick you up. We’re flying.

Breathe Birdie, she reminded herself before she texted her reply. Clearly he’s used to issuing orders as the oldest of five siblings.

Me: Listen, buddy, I don’t know how you got my phone number, but you can just delete it. You’re blackmailing me to come. You don’t get to call the shots on anything! I have employment commitments!

So much for playing nice. Sawyer Duke could push her buttons like nobody else.

Sawyer: J.D. said you weren’t working Saturday or Sunday, and Dee said she covered your shifts at the Roll Away. I’m sure you can talk dirty just as easily into your cellphone from Ryker Falls as here.

Birdie let out a loud hiss of angry breath. He’d checked up on her. She felt a confusing mix of emotions about that. Anger seemed to win.

Sawyer: I’ll see you at 3:30 pm. You need money for a dress?

Me: Fuck you, asshole!

Sawyer: You kiss your momma with that mouth?
