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“You should totally start something like this in Lyntacky,” Birdie heard Brody say to Sawyer. “It’d be a great draw for tourists.”

She thought it had to be a joke because no way in hell could Sawyer Duke ever afford to build something like this. Could he?

Was there more to the man than she realized?

“This place is awesome,” Ally whispered to Birdie.

“I’ve never been anywhere like it.” Everywhere she looked, as they made their way to their rooms, was impressive.

They caught the elevator up to the second floor. Sheriff Dans, Mrs. Duke, and Brody and Ally got out.

“See you two kids at 7:30 p.m.,” Brody said with a wink before the doors shut, leaving Birdie alone inside the elevator with Sawyer.

“Shithead,” he muttered.

Thankfully, the trip to the next floor was short, and soon they were walking along the hall to their rooms.

“That’s you.” Sawyer pointed to a door and then put down her bag.

“Got it. Thanks.”

“I’m across the hall.”

She nodded. He stood there before her, hands in the pockets of his worn jeans, looking dark and broody.

“So, seven thirty. I’ll knock on your door.”

“I’m here. I’m not going to run away now, Sawyer. I can find my way down to the rehearsal dinner.”

His eyes seemed to bore into her, like he could read all her secrets.

“I will knock on your door at seven thirty. Be ready.”

She exhaled loudly. The man was clearly far too used to issuing orders.

“The entire weekend is on me,” Sawyer said before she could speak. “Food, everything.”

“What? No way. You can pay for the accommodation but nothing else. I’m not letting you do that.”

“All your meals are included.”

“No, they’re not.” She glared at him.

“Are. I’ll pick you up at seven thirty. Be ready.”

“Look”— Birdie told herself to stay calm—“this place is amazing, and while the reason I’m here still annoys me, I plan on enjoying staying. But you don’t get to order me around.”

He moved way quicker than he should for a man his size. In seconds, he was inches from her. A hand braced above her on the door, his face lowered so their eyes were close.

“Are you going to fight me all weekend?”

She nodded, because her mouth was suddenly desert dry. “I-it’s not healthy for anyone to have people agreeing with them all the time.”

He snorted. “Like that ever happens. Just enjoy the weekend, Birdie. Okay?”

She nodded because she had no words.

His eyes moved over her face and settled on her lips. “Funny how I never noticed this before. It’s like the attitude you’ve got. I’m just seeing it for the first time.”
