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“Basketball at 8:00 a.m., down at the rec center,” Joe Trainer, a Ryker Falls local, said.

Sawyer liked the Ryker guys he’d met. They reminded him of his brothers.

“Sure. We’ll kick your ass like we did in volleyball,” Dan said from down the table.

“No square dancing here though, so if you need to warm up before, you can do a few sashays in your rooms,” Nash said.

“Laugh it up, farm boy. You’ll be weeping tomorrow,” Ryder said.

The banter continued until Uncle Asher tapped his glass.

“Tomorrow is Autumn’s big day, and I know she’ll have something to say about that, but I just want to add how proud I am to have her as my daughter and in my life now.”

That got some people sniffing. Ritchie sat next to his mom, and he put his hand on her shoulder, as Ford took her hand in his.

“I may have only known my girl a short time, but she’s a woman any dad would be proud of. I love her and my grandson, Ritchie, and could not be happier to welcome Ford into the Duke family. So please raise your glass to Ford and Autumn, and of course, Ritchie.”

Sawyer looked across the table as Autumn rose to her feet, and he saw Birdie had tears in her eyes. Ryder always said she was the first to cry at anything. Funny how he remembered that now.

His mother gave him a nod, so Sawyer rose to his feet.

“We Dukes have only known Autumn a year, but we think of her as our little sister, just as we think of Ritchie as ours.” His brothers nodded. “Ford here, now that’s going to take a while longer.” Everyone laughed. Birdie was smiling up at him. A genuine smile that kicked him hard in the gut. Clearing his throat, Sawyer continued.

“We wish Ford, Autumn, and Ritchie every happiness for a long future together and would like to give them this, to help get things started.” He pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to his cousin. “Just one last thing,” he said, looking at Ford. “You upset either of them, and we’re coming for you.”

More laughter.

“To Ford, Autumn, and Ritchie.” Sawyer raised his glass.

After the formalities were over and his duties as the oldest cousin and nephew done, Sawyer lost sight of Birdie as the guests all mingled.

“How are you holding up?” His mom slipped her arm around his waist.

“Good, Mom. You?”

She knew him better than anyone.

“It’s lovely, and having you all here makes it more so. Asher is so happy, and your words were special, Sawyer.”

“I don’t think Uncle Asher has stopped smiling. It’s good to see.”

“Birdie looks pretty. I’m so pleased you brought her, honey.”

“Don’t make more of this than there is, Mom. She’s here because she offered, and I was sick of you lot riding me over no date. Did you know that some people in town were running books on if I’d bring someone or not?”

“Of course. I had a bet in The Gnat.” She kissed his cheek. “Now, I need to speak with Autumn’s grandparents.” She wandered off, leaving him shaking his head.

Sawyer started moving in case anyone else wanted to talk to him. He’d used more words tonight than he usually did in a week. Until he found Birdie, Sawyer hadn’t realized he’d been searching for her.


She sat at the bar in that scrap of a dress, talking to one of the staff. Swinging her foot and laughing, she looked happy and sweet. He should walk the other way. What he did was take the seat next to her.

“What can I get you?” the barman asked.


“Please,” Birdie added.
