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“Just messing around, Sawyer,” Lloyd said, pulling her closer.

“Lloyd, I’m not sure why you think I’d be interested in having your hands on me, as I haven’t been before now,” Birdie said before things escalated.

“I will break your face if you don’t let her go,” Sawyer growled.

“Easy, bro,” Ryder said as Lloyd let her go and stepped closer to Sawyer.

“Lloyd, go take your tiny dick and handsy attitude back to the only woman who likes it,” Zoe Duke said, stepping in front of her eldest brother who looked ready to kill Lloyd.

“Well now, what’s going on here, Lloyd? Need some help?”

“Fuck off, Beau,” Brody Duke said, stepping into his path. “This ain’t got anything to do with you.”

“Let me make this real clear to you, Lloyd, because nothing seems to have penetrated your thick head yet,” Birdie said before anyone could throw a punch. “I’m not interested in you or having your hands on me. Few women are, so keep them to yourself and learn how to treat a woman with respect. Maybe then Kimi may actually want to stay with you.”

“Nice,” Zoe said.

The look of surprise on Lloyd’s face told Birdie she should have said that before now. She hated confrontation, but he’d grabbed her one time too many.

“And you”—Birdie jabbed Beau Keller in the chest—“need to butt out. This has nothing to do with you. I also don’t need rescuing by you Dukes. I can take care of myself.”

She couldn’t be sure but thought Sawyer was smiling, at least with his eyes. Then he looked at Beau, and it turned to a scowl.

“You all go on about your business. Dee doesn’t need broken tables and glasses.” Birdie picked up her tray and left. No one was more surprised than she was when the group dispersed.

She was back behind the bar when she looked up from the glasses she was stacking and straight into the dark gaze of Sawyer Duke.

“You okay?” he said.

“Not sure why I wouldn’t be.”

“You take a pill or something?”

“What?” A gray T-shirt was stretched across his chest. A chest she’d run her hands over. The thought of doing it again made the spit dry up in her mouth.

“You got an attitude you didn’t have before. Just wondering how come?”

He braced both hands on the bar, which showed off really nice, muscled forearms.

Damn it. Not really nice! The man was an emotionless void. Grumpy and an asshole. And he kissed well and did other things with his mouth that should be outlawed.

“It’s always been in there. I just don’t bring it out much. What can I get you, Sawyer?”

His eyes ran over her, starting with her face and down over her chest. The Roll Away shirts were too tight, but Dee liked it that way because she said it meant more tips, which as far as Birdie was concerned was just plain wrong, but as the woman was paying her wages, she couldn’t say anything.

“Stop it,” Birdie hissed.

“What?” He wasn’t smiling now.

“Look. I’ve had two people tonight asking me when you and I are going to commit to each other. You need to stay away from me. You know what this town is like. One wedding date and suddenly were in a long-term relationship.”

He shrugged. “Who cares? They’ll think what they want, and there’s nothing you or I can do about it.”

“You are not serious? You? Mr. ‘I have a force field around me, so back away’ Duke?”

“I don’t have a force field around me,” he growled.

“Sure. You’re a real friendly guy.”
