Page 108 of My Unexpected Mate

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“What the hell happened?” I asked him.

He sighed. “Nothing, Gabe. She couldn’t sleep and she came to me all by herself. I didn’t tell her to do that. The bond did. She needed me to sleep.”

I frowned and ran my hand through my hair. I was happy she slept but I wasn’t so happy it was in Nick’s bed.

“Nick, go slow,” I said seriously. “If you hurt her, I will kill you.”

“I believe you will,” Nick said. “But hurting her seems impossible, man. I can’t do that. I love her. She is mine.”

I frowned but nodded. “How is she?”

“I think she will be okay,” he sighed.

“Good,” I said and sat behind the desk. “How do I tell her?”

“I don’t know,” he said. “Start by telling her that you understand this will be a shock for her, but you will be there for her. Tell her that you need her to know the truth. She likes you, Gabriel. I can tell. She feels safe around you. She will be shocked, but she will be glad to know you are her brother.”

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

“I just hope she won’t run,” I said quietly.

“No way I will ever let that happen,” he growled. “She belongs here with us.”

“Will you be there when I tell her?” I asked him.

I hoped that he would. He was my friend and I needed him there. And I thought it would help Aria have him there with her.

“I will,” he nodded. “I think she will need me. The bond will help.”

“Good,” I smiled. “I was hoping you would say that.”

Nick smiled and sat on the sofa.

“So, about the info Sebastian gave you?” he asked me.

I opened the desk drawer. I put the envelope here yesterday before going to my room.

I pulled out a big, white envelope and opened it carefully.

There were some papers inside and a picture of the woman.

She was in her late twenties or early thirties in the picture. Her hair was brown and pulled back into a tight bun. Her eyes were dark brown, almost black. Her face was smooth and pale white. I could tell she was a bitch just by her cold stare.

She would be in her late fifties or early sixties now.

I gave the picture to Nick and started reading what was written on the paper.

“Is there anything useful?” Nick asked me after a few minutes.

“She is a werewolf,” I mumbled.

I continued to read and frowned.

By the information Sebastian managed to collect, Patricia was a real bitch. She supported Victor blindly and she gave him some good ideas about eradicating the human race. She was an extremist, there was no doubt about that.

She had a college degree in history and politics. It said here she was smart, calculated, and cold. She always had been. Gathering humans into a new inquisition and making them slaughter supernaturals was probably her idea.

After Victor was removed from his position, she disappeared. Nobody knew what happened to her. Victor remained in the spotlight for a while, trying to gather his followers and taking the power back.
