Page 14 of My Unexpected Mate

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“I bet you are happy we didn’t go home,” he smiled at me.

“Yeah man. At least I know her name now,” I smiled back.

“Hey, check her social accounts. Maybe we can find a picture. It will be easier to look for her,” he said while starting the car.

It was a long shot. Most of us, supernaturals, deleted our accounts from social platforms. It was just a precaution. It made it a little bit harder to find us and know we exist.

I checked Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. No Aria Walker on any of them. I Googled her name and found nothing. Just as I thought.

“Nothing man. She doesn’t have any accounts,” I said, putting my phone in my pocket.

“She probably deleted them,” he said, pulling up his driveway.

“I don’t know where to look next,” I sighed.

“We will think of something. We know her name. And her friend’s name,” Nick said while unbuckling his seatbelt. “But I need to eat something first. My brain is shutting down.”

I laughed and stepped out of the car.

His mom was in front of the house, and she greeted us warmly.

“Hello, boys. Are you hungry? There is some leftover pizza in the kitchen.”

I loved her homemade pizza. I smiled brightly at her. For the first time in a couple of days, I felt a little bit of peace. Nick hurried inside and I stayed back to give his mom a hug.

“Thank you, Mrs. Black. I would love to have some pizza.”

“Go on then,” She smiled at me. “Nick, put it in the oven to warm it up a bit,” she yelled after him.

I followed him inside and sat at the table. He put the pizza in the oven and got us a couple of beers from the fridge.

“I know you are 24 years old, but I still don’t like you drinking in my house,” his mom walked in and frowned.

He laughed. “Do you want a beer mom?”

“No, thanks sweetie,” she said, sitting opposite me. “There was a girl here today. She was looking for Claudia,” she said, looking at me.

I was just about to take a sip of my beer, but I stopped and stared at her.

“A girl?” Nick asked her, getting plates from the kitchen cabinet.

“Yes,” she said, turning to him, “she said her grandma knew Claudia and she wanted to say hello. She was surprised when I told her she died.”

“Did she say anything else?” I asked, intrigued.

I never met any of my grandma’s friends. There were a couple over the years, but she never invited them to our house. Over the last few years, she was close to a woman named Sandra. I heard her talking to her over the phone a couple of times and she went out for coffee with her. I thought it was strange that she never had her over, but my grandma never wanted to explain. Maybe it was Sandra’s granddaughter that came by.

“Not much. I told her about you. Asked her if maybe she wanted to talk to you.”

“What did she say?”

“She said she will come by if she has time before leaving the city,” she said. “She is very pretty, you know,” she added and winked at me.

“Did she tell you her name?” Nick asked while getting the pizza out of the oven.

“Yeah. She said her name is Aria.”

My heart stopped beating.
