Page 215 of My Unexpected Mate

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I nodded and turned around to walk downstairs. Jacob closed the bedroom door and followed me.

When I got downstairs, I saw Blake sitting on the couch. I clenched my fists and walked over to him.

Cassie’s eyes widened, and she ran toward us. She stood in front of Blake and looked at me with pleading eyes.

“Gabriel, please,” she said quietly.

Blake stood up and moved Cassie to the side. “It’s okay, Cass. I deserve everything.”

I wanted to punch him, but Jacob beat me to it. His fist flew into Blake’s nose, and I could hear a crunching sound. Blake fell backward onto the couch, holding his hands on his nose. He was grunting and I could see blood between his fingers.

“Jake!” Cassie shouted and sat next to Blake, holding him protectively.

I wanted to be the one to punch Blake, but what the hell. Seeing him in pain was satisfactory enough.

“You are going to do everything you can to help bring her back!” Jacob shouted. “Do you understand me, Blake? You will not sleep, you will not eat, you will not do anything that doesn’t include searching for her!”

Blake looked up at his friend and nodded. “I wasn’t planning on anything else.”

“Good,” I said as I glared at him. “I would hate to have to make good on my promise and have your blood on my hands.”

Nick’s POV

I knew I was dreaming because the images kept flashing before my eyes. I couldn’t hold on to just one.

The first image I saw was from the day that I first saw her. She was standing behind Annie, wearing a tight t-shirt and pajama bottoms. Her long brown hair was tied into a ponytail. Her green eyes were wide and staring at Gabriel. Her smell hit me like a fucking train. Nate whined inside and said a word I was sure I would never hear.

“Mate,” he said so quietly that I thought I had imagined it.

She smelled like Christmas. Cinnamon, cocoa, and snow. Her skin looked soft and invited me to touch it. I struggled to hold Nate back.

When she spoke, it was the greatest melody I had ever heard.

It was perfect.

She was perfect.

The next image was of her crying the day I met her.

My muscles tensed and I felt this intense need to protect her. To kill and destroy anything and anyone who ever hurt her.

Her cheeks were flushed from crying, and her eyes were puffy. She was beautiful even when she was crying. I held back, but all I wanted to do was touch her, hold her to my chest, and never let go.

The images moved and I saw us standing in Gabriel’s backyard. I told her she was my mate, and her green eyes were staring at me. The wind carried her scent and my mouth watered. My heart clenched painfully when she turned around and ran away from me. I can’t let her go. She was mine. I ran after her and grabbed her hand, turning her toward me. Sparks flew through my body. I saw small cuts on her face from branches. I loved the forest, but at that moment I wanted to burn it to the ground because it hurt her.

I blinked and we were at the club. She ran into my arms, buried her face in my neck, and wrapped herself around me. I was finally whole. But I felt her fear and my guard went up immediately. My love was afraid. I needed to protect her. She was mine to protect.

The next thing I saw was the first night we spent together. She came to me wearing shorts and a tight t-shirt, and Goddess knows how I managed to compose myself and not make love to her right then and there.

The image distorted and I saw my mate wearing that red dress. She was glancing at me and smiling. I could hear her voice.

“Your birthday present,” she said with a small moan.

My whole body vibrated with the need for her. I could feel her lips on mine. I could taste her skin as I kissed her jaw and her sweet neck. She even tasted like Christmas. I felt the need to mark her, but I wanted her to decide when she wanted to bear my mark on her perfect little body. I kissed and licked every part of her that night. I could feel her legs wrapped around me, pulling me deep inside her. I could hear her sweet moans in my ear.

The image distorted again, and I saw her standing in the kitchen, holding my hand.

“It will be okay,” she said, smiling at me. “Go upstairs. I will come soon.”
