Page 28 of My Unexpected Mate

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“You don’t know these people. What if something happens?” Nick answered instead of Gabriel.

I looked at Annie, silently asking her to help me. She kept her gaze on the book with no intention of discussing this with them. I could see she was annoyed, though.

“Mike and Jack are Annie’s friends. I trust her. Besides, we are not going far. Mike lives just down the street,” I said calmly.

Nick and Gabriel kept quiet. But I could see they were both angry. Why did it bother them so much? They have only known me for less than 24 hours.

“Fine,” Gabriel grunted. “But you have to promise me something.”

I quickly nodded, eager to end this conversation.

“You will text me when you leave Annie’s house, when you arrive at Mike’s and then every half hour until you come home. Understood?” he said with a strict tone.

I gasped and Annie laughed out loud.

“Don’t you think that’s a little bit too much?” Annie asked.

“No, I don’t,” he said, turning to her. “She will do it, or she is not going. I will remain here as long as I need. Good luck getting past me.”

He glared between us waiting for an answer. Annie smirked and I tried to pull myself together.

“Fine, Gabriel. I will do it,” I said quietly, not understanding why.

Nick and Gabriel both smiled constantly.

We read those books in detail. We found nothing about any prophecy, nothing about any special witch or warlock, nothing about war with humans.

I was getting frustrated, and I could see annoyed looks on everyone’s faces. We were all hoping to find something.

“I think we can call it a day,” I said, closing my book.

“Yeah. It’s 6:20 pm and Aria and I have to get ready,” Annie said, getting up and stretching.

I heard a low growl coming from Nick. It was probably his wolf.

“I was hoping you would change your mind,” he said to me.

“Don’t start,” I sighed. “I already agreed to Gabriel’s crazy conditions, even though I don’t understand why he cares so much. Don’t make me regret it and go without telling you anything.”

“I care because you are fucking something to me,” he said, anger and pain in his voice.

I gasped and looked at him. I saw genuine concern for me. Behind anger and pain from my earlier comment.

I looked down at my hands, embarrassed.

“I am sorry, Gabriel,” I said quietly, not looking up at him. “I care about you as well.”

He grunted and got up. He took his books in his hands and went to stand by the front door waiting for Nick.

“Give me your phone,” Nick said. “You too, Annie.”

He typed his and Gabriel’s number on both of our phones and turned to Gabriel.

“Do you remember the conditions? If you break them, I will come to this fucker’s house and drag you home myself,” he said, glaring at me.

I quickly nodded, not wanting to anger him even more.
