Page 286 of My Unexpected Mate

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Gabriel pulled me back to him. I looked at my friends and my heart clenched. I didn’t know what I would do if anything happened to them. It would be my fault.

“Please be careful,” I told them. “If this goes wrong, I want you to run. I am the one he wants. And I am not letting you get hurt because of me.”

Gabriel’s grip on me tightened. “Stop saying that. We are not leaving you alone. We will be okay.”

Nick growled. “I am not running. I am not letting anything happen to you.”

The rest of my friends agreed with them and started telling me I was crazy if I thought they would leave me alone.

I wanted to argue, tell them that I needed them safe, tell them that it would kill me if anything happened to either one of them. But I didn’t have time to.

We were interrupted when Gabriel and I felt his shield being poked and pierced slowly.

He was here.


Gabriel’s POV

Aria was next to me the entire time. I held her hand in mine and refused to let go of it, even for a second. I will not lose her again. He was not taking her away from me. She won’t get hurt.

My ears were ringing from the constant noise coming from the forest. There were dead bodies lying around us. We tried not to kill, we truly did. But sometimes we didn’t have a choice.

I could hear growls all around us. Aria’s eyes were on Nick the entire time. He was merciless. He was bringing other wolves down like it was nothing. He was fueled by anger, and that made him even more dangerous.

“Aria!” I yelled, bringing her focus back on our task.

There was a man running toward her with a knife in his hands. She snapped her eyes at him, and he was down in a second. He was screaming in pain.

“Fuck,” I mumbled.

That was close.

Zack ran toward us. He took the knife from the man and knocked him unconscious.

I looked over at the group fighting with Mike and Jack. I focused on them and projected an image of a beach. They stopped fighting. They were looking around confused, and that’s all it took for Mike and Jack to knock them down.

Aria was projecting pain onto a group of wolves surrounding Annie and Nick. They whined loudly and shifted back. Annie and Nick took care of them.

I looked around trying to find Victor and Cora. I couldn’t see them anywhere.

“They are tiring us out,” Aria said, panting hard. “They are here somewhere.”

I nodded and focused back on the attack. We were winning. Thankfully, all of our friends were alive. There were minor bruises and scrapes on some of them, but nothing bad. Aria was unharmed. And I intended to keep her that way.

We approached the final group of Victor’s men. From the corner of my eye, I saw Cassie running back to those we knocked down to sprinkle some of the powder in their noses, making sure they stayed down.

She made the powder strong enough so we wouldn’t have to worry about any of them waking up for a good while.

Blake and Zack made sure no one followed her. They were managing well, but then one of Victor’s men pulled out a knife from his boot.

I didn’t have time to scream. I didn’t have time to warn Zack.

The man plunges his knife into Zack’s stomach.

Everything stopped.

All of us were looking at Zack. Our eyes were wide, and our mouths were open and ready to scream.
