Page 309 of My Unexpected Mate

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“She better,” Jake scoffed, coming toward us.

Nick chuckled and opened the trunk so Jake could take the sign out. I helped them bring it into the house, and we started decorating.

Aria’s POV

The party was in full swing. The surprise for Cassie went great. She really didn’t know anything.

Zack was grinning from ear to ear because Cassie kissed him. The man was so madly in love with her, and I was so glad he finally admitted it to himself and to her.

“So, my best friend is a future doctor,” Annie said as she placed her arm around my shoulders.

“Yes,” I said and took a sip of my drink. “And my best friend is a future artist.”

“A famous one,” she said seriously.

“Of course,” I grinned.

Annie was going to study art. She was so excited when she got in. I was struggling between architecture and medicine, but I eventually decided to become a doctor. I think that saving Zack’s life was a turning point for me. I wanted to help people. I wanted to save lives. Zack was overjoyed when I got in and told me I would have to be his mentor when he decided to attend university. He decided to dedicate his time to perfecting potions and healing spells. He would like to be a doctor as well, but he decided to postpone it for now. He was enjoying magic and I was really happy for him.

Cassie decided to become a lawyer. Nick was thrilled because he finally had someone to talk to about laws, courts, and cases. Cassie loved to talk about these things with him, but they put me to sleep once they started. I literally fell asleep once. But I was glad Nick has someone with whom he can share that passion.

My brother and Jake were going to be engineers. I was so proud of both of them. Gabriel was so happy when he got in. He couldn’t wait for the classes to start. I couldn’t wait to see how excited he will be about homework and studying.

Blake was back home, focusing on his magic. He wanted to move back into the City once things with Cassie cooled off. They’d talked a couple of times, but it was still pretty tense between them. I hoped that Blake would come back soon. I missed him.

Mike and Jack decided to pursue a career in politics. After helping Patricia deal with the aftermath of Victor’s death, they told us that they wanted to learn more about politics and leadership. I was so happy for them, and I think they will do great.

The inquisition quieted down. Patricia managed to convince Victor’s followers to back down. The poles have been taken down. The hunting of supernaturals stopped. There was no longer a smell of burnt flesh in the air. The fear was still here, though. A lot of supernaturals were still in hiding. It will take some more time for things to go back to the way they were, or at least close to the way they were. I don’t think that any of us will be able to forget what happened.

Gabriel and I were getting more powerful as each day passed. We were learning to control it, but we couldn’t be sure what awaits us once we turn 22. We had six more months to prepare. I didn’t forget about Victor’s warning. How could I? But Gabriel convinced me I had nothing to worry about.

I really hoped that he was right.

My brother came to stand next to me. He placed his arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head.

“Are you okay, love?” he asked, smiling down at me.

I placed my head on his chest and took a deep breath. “I have never been better.”
